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Just plain ol' me!

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
68 years old
Houston, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 112
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MEMBER SINCE: 09/30/2006
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 10/08/2006 10:01:46

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I love a good movie. One of my favorites is Tombstone .... Val Kilmer did a knock out job playing "Doc Holiday". I like historical movies and movies such as Othello, Pay It Forward, Carlitos Way (big Al fan) and I love Antonio Banderas movies.

I love everything but rap. It just depends on my mood which decides what I feel like listening to.

I love true stories, biographies, autobiographies, history or books with a historical setting in them. I like to read good Magazines like National Geo, Readers Digest, etc.

Reading a good book, camping, trips, hiking around in the country, working out in the gym when I have time, writing, just wish I had more time!

I am a romantic at heart. I've grown accustom to living by myself now. It's pretty neat. But it gets lonely at times. I miss companionship at times. I work in the legal field and have for many years. It would be nice to find someone special "take me away" on lavish trips to the unknown or places I've never been to.

The sound of rain and thunder, a good book, good company, peace and harmony, my children and grandbaby, a nice dinner with good company, trips, dancing with a good dancer, being courted and romanced, nature, a good movie, and the list goes on!

Negative people, eccentrics, drunks, people who think they are better than everyone else, rude people, jealousy, and there are other things.

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