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POSTED BY: BoomerHelpGuide on Jun 11, 2018
MyBoomerPlace Graphic and Nudity Policy
MyBoomerPlace Graphic and Nudity Policy

We encourage all users to submit at least one profile image so members can easily recognize and relate to one another. By accessing MyBoomerPlace.com or the "Site" and submitting any and all images to be uploaded, you agree to the following terms and conditions for submission of your images:

1.  Any image containing pornography, sexually explicit images, violent or offensive material, or any copyrighted image (unless you own the copyright) is not permitted. If you violate these terms your account will be deleted. Repeated violation will result in a permanent ban.
2. Any images containing what is described in part 1 are not allowed. If you violate these terms your account may be deleted. Repeated violation will result in a permanent ban.

3. Images of celebrities and cartoon or comic images are generally copyrighted by the owner. By uploading a file, you certify that you have the right to distribute this picture and that it does not violate the Terms of Service. For security and privacy reasons, any image that contains personally identifiable information such as name, phone number, email address or website URL is not permitted. Uploading images of other people without their permission is prohibited. If you violate these terms your account will be deleted.

4. You are solely responsible for the Content that you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on the Service or any material or information that you transmit to other Members. c. By posting any Content to the public areas of the Website, you hereby grant to MyBoomerPlace.com the non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, publicly perform, publicly display, modify, and translate such Content on the Website. This license will terminate at the time you remove such Content from the Website.

5. Violators of this Image Submission Policy will receive an infraction notice and a loss of activity points. If the offense is repeated My Boomer Place.com reserves the right to remove the said image. If you continue to violate these terms your account will be deleted.

This image submission policy applies to all My Boomer Place.com users. My Boomer Place.com reserves the right to review all images and to remove any image for any reason at our discretion. You understand and agree that MyBoomerPlace.com may review and delete any content, messages, text, files, images, MyBoomerPlace.com Messenger messages, photos, videos, sounds, profiles, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, "Content") that in the sole judgment of MyBoomerPlace.com violate this Agreement.

If you see an image on MyBoomerPlace.com that you believe does not conform to this policy, send the link to Admin or Staff. 

What happens if a member breaks the above terms:

When nudity is found in your comments, on your Background, or in the gallery, these will be deleted.  The following actions are now in force and we ask for your cooperation.
1) You will receive a notice from us and this will be considered your first warning. We may delete your account depending on the content and if sent out as comments to remove images Quickly?
2) If any member continues after the first warning, the second time you will receive a second warning and we shall reserve the right to take away your points or lower your membership level. The points are what you use to buy gifts and other mods and have worked hard to accumulate.
3) The third time your account will be deleted or banned

Please contact us with any questions regarding this Agreement. MyBoomerPlace.com

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