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05/06/2024 13:27:11

An animal's eyes have the power 

to speak a great language.

~ Martin Buber ~

05/06/2024 12:32:45

05/06/2024 12:11:43

05/06/2024 12:07:04

Wishing you a great Monday...
and new week ahead!

05/06/2024 11:40:19

05/06/2024 10:52:19

05/06/2024 10:19:11

05/06/2024 09:58:58

have a beautiful week.love and hugs

05/06/2024 09:49:11

80 mph winds here today, I can’t wait to drive in it. Happy Monday!

05/06/2024 09:45:09


Please set standards for the

 people you want in your life..

It's not selfish. It's not rude.
It's imperative. You are allowed 

to determine who gets access to

you. You are allowed to want 

people in your life who make

you feel light and supported.

You can set that standard. It's 

your life. Don't forget that.

The Tale of the Pencil 

The Tale of the Pencil is a metaphorical story that emphasizes the idea that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses that can be used to create something beautiful and meaningful.

In the story, a pencil maker tells the pencil five important lessons as it goes through life.

First, the pencil maker says that everything that happens to the pencil is part of its sharpening process.

Second, the pencil maker reminds the pencil that it can always correct its mistakes.

Third, the pencil maker tells the pencil that what’s inside it – the lead – is what’s most important.

Fourth, the pencil maker says that the pencil will be useful only if it allows itself to be held and guided by the hand that holds it.

Finally, the pencil maker reminds the pencil that eventually it will be left behind, but the marks it leaves behind will make a difference.

The story is often used as a metaphor for personal growth and the idea that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses that can be used to create something meaningful.

It emphasizes that we should accept ourselves for who we are, learn from our mistakes, focus on what’s most important, be guided by others, and make our mark on the world in a positive way.

Happy Trails and Many Blessings 

05/06/2024 09:31:07

 If thou, Lord, shouldest mark in inquities, O Lord, who shall stand?

Psalm 130: 3

In the Potters han

05/06/2024 09:10:40

When difficulties press in and insist on stealing our joy,  we can insist that we will not be robbed in this way. Today. we can choose to allow bits of cheer to 

touch us in the moment. We can pause to acknowledge the warmth of  sunshine or wetness

of raindrops on out face, the joyful whimsy of a child at play, the friendliness of a greeting, or the sound of music that soothes our mood. Indeed,  we

can choose encouragement!



It is not so!

Do you know what a cats mission is?

All cats have the power, every day, to

 remove the negative energy accumulated

in our body... as soon as we fall asleep,

they absorb that energy. If there is more than

one person in the family, and only one cat,

it can accumulate and excessive amount of negatively by absorbing from so many people.

When they sleep, the cat's body releases the negatively it takes away from us. If  we are too

stressed , they may not have enough time to

release all that negatively energy, and so, as a result, it accumulates as fat, until they can release

it. So, they get fat and you think it was the food

you were feeding them...or because they don't move enough,,, and the truth is, they don't...It is

nice to have more than one cat in the house, so 

that the weight is divided between them...

They protect us during the night, so that no unwanted spirits enter our house or room while we sleep...That's why they like to sleep in our bed. And if they think we are fine they won't sleep 

with us. If there was something strange around us. they jump into our bed and protest us ...If a person

comes to our house, and the cats feel that  that person is there to harm us  or that he is bad the cats surround us to 'protect' us.

If you don't have cats, and a stray cat comes to your house and adopts it as a home, it's because you need a cat at that particular time...So the

stray cat volunteered to help you. Thank the 

cat for choosing your home for that job. If you have other cats and you can't keep that stray cat,

for a reason unknown to us on a physical level, and in dreams you can see the reason for the appearance of the cat at that moment. There may be a debt, some Karma he has to pay...So don't freak out or frightened the cat". "Well , he" will have to come back. one way or the another, to fulfil this obligation.


Cats are adorable creatures, and they love their owners above all they have a different way of loving . The Love is true, so don't doubt it. They are a great and true friend and above all good companions. 




05/06/2024 08:32:29

05/06/2024 07:56:20

Hello Sweetness!

Come my Love, let me take youto a Heighten form of Ecstasywhere you have never been before.

Yes my Darling,Whisper to me those sweet words I love to hear.

Make me believe  all you could  ever want  and that it livesdeep inside of me.

I love the wayyou look at meLike you are aboutto talk to meor devour me andI am finewith either one.

Drag me to the Dark side and show me whatmy Body was made for.

It's the flower of her souland the tast of her Lovethat drips from her Lips.How I love to lick it offand let it linger in my mouth.

All Mines! All Yours!

05/06/2024 07:38:00

best wishes for your Monday my friend..hugs xoxo 










05/06/2024 06:58:55

National Frog Jumping Day
Happy Rainy Day

05/06/2024 06:39:11

I wish you a nice monday 

05/06/2024 05:32:21


Happy Monday!  Good grief, already a week into May!  However, we have 3 more Mondays to go.  


Duplicated myself to be able to drink my two cups of coffee this morning.  Now that the caffeine has kicked in, I am trying to prioritize my "to do" list.  


We have family coming over, the Parletts, so I had better get things straightened up around here and then get me cleaned up too!  


I was going with the casual 60's look, which is my normal relaxed everyday look today.  


However, Rbt wanted to wear a bow tie for us to go to lunch and celebrate Mother's Day early.  After all, the Kentucky Derby was yesterday and his nephew and wife were there on the third row near the finish line again this year.  


So now I have to dig out the hat and jewelry and my fancy purse!  Hope your day is as fun as ours will be after we get our chores completed.  

Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

05/06/2024 05:29:29

Happy Monday,have a great new week..hugs and kisses ! smiley-wink.gif

05/06/2024 04:50:38


05/06/2024 04:27:47

05/06/2024 02:16:16

05/06/2024 01:41:10

Good morning my sweet friend...have a nice week. Happy Monday! Kisses

05/06/2024 00:59:04

Are you a nurse? Just wondering how many nurse friends I have, I know of at least 3. In all my many hospital stays the last couple of years I've had some great ones, both male and female. So if you are a nurse or in the health care field, please let me know. Happy new week!

05/06/2024 00:35:18

Prices on groceries keep going up. I went to Grocery Outliet and it is suppose to be a discount store, but prices seemed high. I was able to bet things I needed about 9 items and 28 dollars later out of the store. 8 p.m. your time is when Dr. Sharman will be calling because it will ve 5 p.m. our time and Joyce will know the results and everything then. She seems to be taking it well, and that is good. She doesn't seem stressed out. But at that time we will know. Thank you for praying for her. I will let you know after we know. Have a great Monday. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:
I only hope there for sale items there expensive.

But I went today need cabbage and carrots. Making a boiled dinner tomorrow.

Fingers crossed for good results for Joyce tomorrow


Hi June, it has rained most of the weekend, and right now the sun has come out. I didn't know there were still Stop & Shop stores. We had one in Eugene, but it left in the 70's and I thought they were gone. Hope you got something good. Have a great evening and good day tomorrow. Bro. Doc

Afternoon.,  a rainy Sunday

went to Aldi's  and the stop and shop.,  needed a few things  tomorrow am making a boiled dinner. and coffee shop for a tea..

hope your having a great sunday., see you in the Morning have a goood night.


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