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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
69 years old
Lubbock, Texas
United States
Profile Views: 385
[ 24492 ]

MEMBER SINCE: 10/05/2006
LAST LOGIN: 07/22/2014 09:59:25

No gifts received yet.

Little man, The Descent, I like the older movies mostly like gone with the wind, imitation of life, old westerns old sitcoms.

Classic rock, Country, Classic Country

Don't read much

Skem9 LayoutsLayout made by aries872

cooking, home improvement, classic cars, meeting new sincere friends, fishing, camping, visiting friends and relatives and last but not least,,,,, bingo :) OOPS! I almost forgot,,,,lol. I love football, Dallas Cowboy's

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I am a laid back people person, honest and can be a good friend if you let me. I'm a very good listener and have a great sense of humor, like to laugh and make others laugh.
Live,love,laugh, and be happy.

Profile Jewels @ profilejewels.net

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Romantics,true friends,walking in the rain, people person, the smell of rain, thunderstorms,someone who is there when you need them, a rose or a card for no reason
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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rude, crude people. People who are into themselves, liars,cheaters and mostly fakes, someone who is pretending to be someone their not.

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