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Posted by keystonerob on February 1, 2016, 8:18 am

University of Texas researchers appear to have paid thousands of dollars for aborted babies’ body parts from Planned Parenthood between 2010 and 2011, according to newly uncovered documents.

The documents, released Thursday by Texas attorney Brisco Cain, who represents Operation Rescue, include a series of invoices from Planned Parenthood to the University’s Medical Branch. The invoices show charges ranging from $1,500 to $3,750 for “consent payments,” or aborted babies’ body parts, that Planned Parenthood supplied to university researchers.

“Because Planned Parenthood was selling to publicly funded universities, this means that our tax dollars went to buy aborted baby remains and ended up in the pockets of Planned Parenthood executives,” said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue. “Yet Devon Anderson turned a blind eye to this crime while charging the people that reported the crimes

Topic: Nation
Comment by problemagain on February 1, 2016, 7:58 pm
oh in case you missed it, the university of texas operates the univesrity of texas medical center at galveston which is a teaching hospital for doctors. whaat those people were indictedby a grand jury for is falsifying government document to obtain false drivers licenses. they should also have been indicted for the videos which they doctored and claimed as 'evidence' in spite of the fact that they were edited to alter the appearance of the interviews. in case it slipped ANYONE'S mind texas ios not what you would call a liberal climate and the grand jury found NO wrongdoing by planned parenthood. they were within and obeying all applicable laws.
Comment by problemagain on February 1, 2016, 5:14 pm
this is bullshit. most large medical research facilities buy human tissues whether from cadavers or aborted fetuses. it is NOT illegal. and planned parenthood is required to charge enough to clear their expenses in saving those tissues. due to idiocy of some people who succumb to edited videos and an agenda from the right wing, instead of tissues being used for research into genetic anamolies and drugs etc, those tissues will now be disposed of without helping anyone at all...happy now?

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