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Posted by Gand-Alf on February 12, 2016, 6:08 pm

Facebook Nude Painting Gets Trial From French Appeals Court Ruling

Facebook Nude Painting

Author: Kara GilmourBy: 
Staff Reporter
Feb. 12, 2016

A Facebook nude painting case is set to go to court after an appeals court ruling. The painting was uploaded to the social media network that caused one user grief and a right to sue, according to the Associated Press.

The nude painting was shared by 57-year-old Frederic Durand-Baissas, who is a Parisian teacher and art lover, before it jeopardized his online account. Facebook suspended his account without prior notice.

Facebook nude painting case brought to court by Frederic Durand-Baissas

Facebook nude painting case brought to court by Frederic Durand-Baissas

Durand-Baissas wants his account reactivated and is asking for $22,550 in damages. He said he’s “glad” he has been given the chance to get some sort of explanation from the powerful social network.

The Facebook nude painting is from Gustave Courbet’s 1866 work “The Origin of the World,” which depicts female genitalia. It became the first such case ever to go to a court and have the approval for a future trial.

“This is a case of free speech and censorship on a social network,” Durand-Baissas said in a phone interview. “If (Facebook) can’t see the difference between an artistic masterpiece and a pornographic image, we in France (can).”

The Facebook case is an illustration of the tricky line social media sites walk globally when trying to police explicit content.

“It’s another hole in the fabric, at least in Europe, when it comes to users’ rights running counter to the way these companies operate in the U.S.,” said Steve Jones, a communications professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

“Social networks are going to have to be much more careful about how they interact with users and how they summarily make decisions about those users’ accounts,” he said.

The social media company has never provided any specific explanation for the suspended account. But the move happened after Duran-Baissas shared the Facebook painting.

“This case dates back more than five years and Facebook has evolved considerably since then,” spokeswoman Christine Chen said in an emailed response to a request for comment. “While we are disappointed by today’s ruling on jurisdiction, we remain confident that the court will find the underlying case itself to be without merit.”

The social network’s current “Community Standards” page, which Facebook revised in March 2015 to provide “more detail and clarity,” states: “We restrict the display of nudity because some audiences within our global community may be sensitive to this type of content — particularly because of their cultural background or age.”

But company’s current nude policy — revised well after Durand-Baissas’ suspension — also now appears to allow postings such as a photo of the Courbet painting. Facebook’s standards page now explicitly states: “We also allow photographs of paintings, sculptures, and other art that depicts nude figures.”

Facebook’s nudity policy has not yet been aired in French court. So far, Facebook lawyers have argued that under its terms of service, lawsuits like the one filed by Durand-Baissas could only be heard by a specific court in California, where Facebook is headquartered. The social network also argued that French consumer-rights law doesn’t apply to its users in that country because its worldwide service is free.

The Paris appeals court dismissed those arguments. The ruling could set a legal precedent in France, where Facebook has more than 30 million regular users. It can be appealed to France’s highest court.

The appeals court said the small clause included in Facebook’s terms and conditions requiring any worldwide lawsuits to be heard by the Santa Clara court is “unfair” and excessive. In addition, the judges said the terms and conditions contract signed before creating a Facebook account does fall under consumer rights law in France.

“This is a great satisfaction and a great victory after five years of legal action,” lawyer Stephane Cottineau, who represents the teacher, said in a statement. He said it sends a message to all “web giants that they will have now to answer for their possible faults in French courts.”

User Privacy

“On one hand, Facebook shows a total permissiveness regarding violence and ideas conveyed on the social network. And on the other hand, (it) shows an extreme prudishness regarding the body and nudity,” he said. And in some ways, the company is breaching user privacy.

The French government has lobbied Silicon Valley tech giants to take down violent extremist material, notably after deadly attacks in Paris last year.

Following the Facebook nude painting decision France’s independent privacy watchdog said the social media company is breaching user privacy by tracking and using their personal data, and set a three-month limit ahead of eventual fines. And the government’s anti-fraud agency issued a formal notice giving the company two months to comply with French data protection laws or risk sanctions.

Topic: World News
Comment by radar on February 15, 2016, 9:21 am
Gustave Courbet Painter Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet was a French painter who led the Realist movement in 19th-century French painting. Committed to painting only what he could see, he rejected academic convention and the Romanticism of the previous generation of visual artists. His independence set an example that was important to later artists, such as the Impressionists and the Cubists. Courbet occupies an important place in 19th-century French painting as an innovator and as an artist willing to make bold social statements through his work. en.wikipedia.org ...the old saying, "beauty (or obscene) is in the eye of the beholder"... ...the painting is titled "The Origin of the World"...Gustave Courbet was one of the great innovators of the Realist Movement...also, one of my favorites... ...Michelangelo's nude masterpiece sculpture of David stands for all to see in a public square...curiously, would the same actions apply if someone posted it on Facebook?... ...having three years full time art school, I can say that this "controversial" subject matter/painting is so mild...I was subjected to far more gross and obscene models in life drawing/painting classes... ...this sounds like yet another example of (the powers that be) trying to impose an obsessive social correctness...
Comment by Gissell33 on February 13, 2016, 1:15 am
I love that Facebook is powerless to stop this process by the usual bullying that they they visit upon Facebook members in the arbitrary service of Facebook "justice" as they lock out some members from their accounts for not using their real ID while other members use celebrities' photos as profile images and use fake names to attack other members.

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