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Posted by admin on February 24, 2016, 11:15 am


It is time for the Easter Profile Design Contest. You may design your profile page in any type of Easter design and we will vote for over all best design. The only rule to this is your profile page needs to be open so all members can view your work and it must be within the guidelines of our Boomer regulations. NO NUDITY or PROFANE LANGUAGE will be accepted. The following rules are the same.

First your page will need to be open/viewable to all Boomer Members. No Private pages will be accepted to allow all Boomer Members the opportunity to view your profile page and nominate/vote. You can make your page open but set your comments to private so others can view your page but they cannot leave comments.

2. If you would like to design a page for this contest but do not want to open your current profile page you may create a second account just for design. This page can also be used for other design contest we have in the future. Please remember our 2 account limit for profile pages.

3. Go to the DESIGN CONTEST PAGE and click on SEND MESSAGE in the contact panel and send your nominations. You also vote in the same manner. We will list all of the nominees linked on the Design Contest Page so you can click and view each one.

4. You may nominate your own page if you wish so you do not miss out on this opportunity to share your design work and also the opportunity to win one of the following.

5. Our winners will be as follows:


3rd place will receive 1500 extra points 

2nd place will receive 2500 extra points

1st place will receive 5000 extra points


Winner will receive 7500 points

2nd place 5000 points

6. You may begin nominating February 24, 2016 to give all designers time to get started. Nominations will be cut off March 18, 2016. Voting, however, will not begin until March 21, 2016 to give more time to view ALL of the pages nominated before you vote. This allows some of our members who are still decorating time to get their pages up. 

7. You have 5 votes only. One for 3rd place, one for 2nd place one for 1st place of the Nominated Pages. You then have two votes for the Creative Designer Profile Winner and 2nd place. On the Design Contest Page click on "Send Message" and in that message list your votes. Example -

My Votes for nominated pages are:

1st Place - Member Name

2nd Place - Member Name

3rd Place - Member Name

Creative Designer - Member Name

2nd Place - Member Name

Each member has 5 votes only. Do not sign in with different profile names and try to vote again under one of your other profiles. If you nominate your page and it is your main profile then vote under that profile. If you have a second profile page just for design then nominate your page under your design page and vote under your design page. Keep it simple and vote only one time as trying to vote under both of your account is not fair and the votes will NOT be counted.

8. Voting will be cut off March 27 , 2016 to have time for more to vote. We will post and announce the winners by, March 29, 2016. Please remember that this is a design contest and not a best friend contest. Please place your vote for the pages you feel had the overall best design. If you have any questions please send them to WritterDeb or to the Design Profile Contest Page.

Thank You,

Admin John and Admin Deb

Topic: Boomer News

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