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Posted by keystonerob on March 14, 2016, 7:19 pm

North South Korea map

North South Korea map


(CNN) —North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has ordered tests of a nuclear warhead and several types of ballistic rockets that can carry nuclear warheads in a "short time," state media reported.

The announcement, published by the state-run KCNA news agency Tuesday, comes amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles toward the sea last Thursday.

On Saturday, the United States and South Korea began an eight-week series of annual joint military exercises billed as the largest ever.

North Korea said last week that it would make a "pre-emptive and offensive nuclear strike" in response to the exercises.

KCNA's report Tuesday on the reported upcoming tests appears to be the latest in a string of combative statements and warnings coming from the North Korean regime in recent weeks.

North Korea conducted another nuclear test in January and fired a rocket and satellite into space in February, moves that spurred tough sanctions from the U.N. Security Council this month.

A KCNA report earlier this month said North Korea claims to have miniaturized nuclear warheads to fit on ballistic missiles.

The agency published photographs that appeared to show Kim visiting a facility where the warheads had been made to fit on ballistic missiles -- the first time state media has released images showing its purported miniaturized weapons technology. CNN cannot independently confirm the photos' veracity or the claims of the KCNA.

Topic: World News
Comment by Dustup224 on March 14, 2016, 10:42 pm
Fireworks. Not one test in North korea has registered even the faintest of blips of EMP to set off our IONDS space based detection system that has been monitoring the globe for and banned underground / undersea / surface / airspace or space for years and is always being updated and maintained. He's no Jedi. It's just a child throwing firecrackers at the grown-up's table while he is relegated to sit with the likes of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Italy... Well, you get the picture. Just call him fuzznuts and laugh. Maybe he will throw a temper tantrum and China will take him to the woodshed.

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