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Posted by keystonerob on April 15, 2016, 2:35 pm

Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is reporting exclusively today on how steep military cuts are impacting the U.S. Marines' fleet of aircraft.

Griffin found that the majority of Marine Corps aircraft are grounded due to a lack of parts for its aging fleet. 

She reported on America's Newsroom this morning that she encountered a "very frustrated force" when she traveled to the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, South Carolina.

Due to budget cuts, force reductions and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan lasting longer than expected, it's becoming more difficult to maintain the planes. 

A Marine major told Griffin that the planes were meant to fly for a life span of 6,000 hours, but are now being pushed to 8,000.

"Imagine taking a 1995 Cadillac and trying to make it a Ferrari," Sgt. Argentry Uebelhoer said days before embarking on his third deployment.

"You're trying to make it faster, more efficient, but it's still an old airframe … [and] the aircraft is constantly breaking."

The Marines say they don't have enough manpower to do all of the added maintenance work that's necessary. And it can take as long as 18 months to receive parts for their early-model F/A-18 jets, which went out of production in 2001.

Lt. Col. Harry Thomas deployed to the Pacific with 10 jets last year, but only seven made it.

A fuel leak caused his F/A-18 to catch fire in Guam. Instead of ejecting, he landed safely, saving taxpayers $29 million.

Thomas spoke to Griffin in a hangar, in front of a disassembled jet that had been "cannibalized" so its parts could allow other planes to deploy. 

"We plan to have it flying [again] by the summer," he said. 

Griffin explained that Marine pilots are supposed to be training for 15 hours a month before combat, but at Beaufort they are only receiving four hours.

Watch her full report above and read more at FoxNews.com.

Fox News military analyst Gen. Jack Keane (Ret.) gave us his reaction, saying that the piece was an "excellent" example of how the severe cuts are actually impacting the military day to day. 

Bill Hemmer asked whether this is also the result of being at war for 15 years after the 9/11 attacks.

Keane said that is part of the problem, but that the U.S. is making the same mistakes it did after Vietnam and after the end of the Cold War. 

"Our equipment is worn out. We have to buy new equipment," said Keane, adding that the Army's chief of staff recently said the Army is at "high-risk" when it comes to fighting a conventional war against an enemy like China, Russia or North Korea. 

Topic: Nation
Comment by Dustup224 on April 19, 2016, 8:00 pm
There is such a huge backlog in orders to foreign countries and the United States military, who have "#1 priority" status, but that is little comfort for the Navy Department's USMC, who must take back seat to the Navy and USAF. The problem is exactly as problemagain stated--- delays. The compression of the delivery schedules to all customers who locked in 2010 prices coupled with the USA priority and it's shrinking budget, along with it's need for stop gap F/A-18 Superhornet rework and new acquisitions to yide the Navy over has the MCASes crying the blues because the F-35 transition is now running into a possible readiness crisis if the next congress and new president take Saudi Arabia's bait at tying up US airpower in Yemen in it's proxy war with Iran. The US has just sent a bunch of decrepit B-52s, ostensibly to drop bombs on ISIS in Syria and Iraq. but are mysteriously being sortied out of Qatar, Yemen's next door neighbor and far away from where ISIS is. The USMC see's it for what it is and is now pacing the cage, knowing they may be called to be the first to fight--- but with what? I agree with problemagain. This is not about who is president. Sequester is required to be followed by every president and congressman and woman ubtil our spending falls below planned thresholds. It is about keeping America's spears sharp.
Comment by keystonerob on April 17, 2016, 11:32 am
The sooner the better for a new president; but not Hillary!!!!!
Comment by problemagain on April 17, 2016, 10:18 am
it has nothing to do with the president. it has to do with the defense budget allocation, the contractual purchase of new aircraft that has been hampered by the tested aircraft failing the standards and the fact that a anew aircraft can run 235 MILLION apiece which eat big fricking holes in budgets
Comment by Gand-Alf on April 16, 2016, 6:53 pm
We need a new President badly..

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