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Posted by keystonerob on May 21, 2016, 12:23 pm

A group of Republican Oklahoma lawmakers introduced a resolution Thursday urging the state’s congressional delegation to start an effort to impeach President Obama over the White House’s directive to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their gender identity.

The Obama administration issued the recommendation to all public schools last week that transgender students must be allowed to use the bathroom of their choosing. The directive has caused fury among lawmakers across the nation.

Reuters reported the bill introduced in Oklahoma calls on the state’s members of the House of Representatives to file articles of impeachment against Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Secretary of Education John B. King and several others.

Lawmakers on Friday also introduced a separate measure that would allow students to use religious grounds to have separate but equal bathrooms to segregate them from transgender students.

According to The Oklahoman, a state Senate committee approved a measure to grant religious accommodations for students who object to the transgender bathroom order. The bill now goes to the full Senate for consideration.

John Bennett, a Republican state representative, said in a statement that the White House’s policy on transgender bathroom usage was “biblically wrong,” and a violation of state sovereignty.

Topic: Boomer News
Comment by Isacanota on May 31, 2016, 1:09 am
So why would they want to impeach him now that his term is almost over anyway.
Comment by miss_moody on May 21, 2016, 10:06 pm
Agrees with Dustup224.....;)
Comment by Dustup224 on May 21, 2016, 12:45 pm
Political theater via redneck ignorance. They know there is not enough time to get this impeachment even started, let alone have any basis in law... Why don't they just man up and refuse to comply?.... Oh yeah, I forgot--- they depend on federal education assistance, SNAP subsidies, highway maintenance funding, FEMA, FBI, NSA, FDA, EPA and USDA to certify their interstate agricultural, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and airline regulatory requirements as well as crime fighting and anti-terror databases. Oklahoma just needs to ween itself from the federal tit before it gets all up and hard talking crap. I hate this bathroom fiat as much as these Okies do, but I am not reliant on the federal taxpayer largess. The money flow in my situation is from my paycheck to Washington DC--- never the opposite direction.

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