I am hoping my friends here, all around the world will help just this one effort to clean up our oceans. There are many worthy causes with Greenpeace (such as saving whales and stopping pollution before it starts, when possible). I have been donating and helping Greenpeace, Sierra Club and The Audubon Society (all VERY CREDIBLE) to donate to for wildlife and pollution issues. i admit i lost faith in WWF when i found out they were dipping into pretty big coffers. ;) Donating to Greenpeace is a wonderful thing to do for every living being, including hungry children; because the effects of one thing affect many more toward the greater good! There is a link where to sign the petition and donate if you wish but you do not have to make a donation for this one, it is not mandatory to sign this petition at all :) Help save the beauty of our ecosphere and sign this petition! Thank you precious friends! Below is the letter i was sent after i signed the petition. ~OxXo
David and Robin,
Before I get to the reason for this note, I want to thank you again for signing our Starbucks petition. We have to get the company to change its ways, and the annual meeting is too good an opportunity to pass up. Thank you for doing your part.
Now, can you get your family, friends, and coworkers to do their part as well? You saw yourself how easy it is. Won't you please ask anyone you know who dislikes waste and pollution as much as you do to sign the petition with you? http://bit.ly/2EBDbM7
Our strength has always been in our numbers. If we're going to get a global corporation to do the right thing, we're going to need all the help we can get.
Kate Melges
Plastics Campaigner, Greenpeace USA