...Another thing causing BREAST CANCER is RED HAIR DYE.
Try to stay away from plastic and encourage government to find another source (cellulose maybe?). GREENPEACE is really WARNING US of dangerous practices of being a LITTER BUG destroying oceans (even the stratosphere because when these plastics heat up on water ~they put off poison gas) and residents thereof
Thirty years ago the FDA put it out there that when you drink plastic bottled water from a hot car, it has been directly linked to BREAST CANCER. Think of all the cargo shipments and semi-trucks those bottles of water go through in the hot summertime before they ever hit the shelves in the store. i wouldn't touch a plastic bottle of water with a 10 foot pole ~much less for the reason of all the needless pollution it causes. People need to get whole house water filters that cost $400 and never need a new filter. i love mine. it even makes bathing water not have chlorine in it anymore, so no burning eyes when splashed with water! too bad things have to be so complicated for the bleating crowd. But as for the environment, what plastic is even worse is straws and bubble wrap. when it goes into lakes, streams, seas; gunk gets trapped in them making them highly poisonous and toxic and kills so much wildlife.
That includes pets and kids!
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