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Posted by Foggy_Robin on July 20, 2018, 9:22 am

https://www.news-leader.com/videos/news/local/ozarks/2018/07/20/eyewitness-video-branson-duck-boat- capsizes-table-rock-lake/805205002/

From my own perspective, the duck bus/boat should have never entered water with three foot tall waves with caps on them although the storm warning was put out from one to three minutes after the boat entered the stormy waters. When we take walks on the paved trail where the dock is for The Branson Belle, the entry ramp for the Duck Bus is right in front of The Branson Belle. The boat/bus starts from a cove that meets up with a large body where Table Rock Lake Dam is (the beach i swim at is right by the dam with big shady Sycamore trees above it and so we watch The Branson Belle and those duck boats come in and out of that cove all day when we stay at the beach, on the large body right by the dam, for long hours). I wouldn't advise anyone riding those boats though they go all day ~when one comes out, not too long after, another goes in (like revolving doors from their base about two miles from the lake). There are so many different kinds of boats to rent on this lake and people would have a lot more fun renting a boat on their own. Boats like pontoons are easier to drive than a car. But i don't think any marina that rents boats here would have allowed anyone to go out on the lake at the time that this duck bus/boat decided to venture on out into three foot waves with caps on top. Your enjoyment would be 10-fold the enjoyment of riding one of these ackward boats that once in the water, the windows are only a couple of feet above even a calm lake surface. Very sad day in Branson MO. There are 14 survivors but last i heard they are still searching for a one year old baby, a 70 year old woman and two others. ~~~kyrie eleison!

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