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Posted by forgivenbadboy on October 3, 2019, 7:34 am

No kidding, think about it

If the Trumps were doing the same things their accusers been up to
(Even on a Much milder scale) They'd then, be in Jail, for sure.

Donald Jr. [Whom i admittedly LIKE] and Hannity
Lay out the Scenario "If the shoe were on the Other Foot"

Beware of Propaganda News
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
News Media on the Left
Are owned by no more than 6 corporations
Mostly, Lefty "Deep State" Controlled
& with a Bias agenda w/o your best interest

I put it like this;
Quasi-Journalist, are no longer actually doing Journalism
They are "Political propaganda activest", only posing as Journalist!

Way too Many Politicians are Finacially backed by "The Powers that be"
(Both sides the isle, BTW) but way more/mostly the Left
Bankster institutes & the NWO/Globalist types & other Financial institutes etc,
upholding eachothers "gig" & operate very Mafia Like (in my opinion)

Folks Like Donald Trump & Ron Paul's a good example, of non-club members
They stand in the way of their agenda
(remember the Ron Paul Black-out)?
Mitt Romney (RINO) banning Ron Paul and his supporters from the GOP convention;
Both Romney & Obama getting HUGE* JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs donations ?!

The Term "DEEP State"
How deep does the rabbit hole go...?
Consider some the offices "appointed" by Presidents
CIA & FBI High positions
of course the SCOTUS
& many other Judicial Judges & offices

So we still have many remnants left over in High positions
I've also noted when someone comes across acting suspiciously as these types do
More often than not, they are in, or have close ties w/ CFR
A Gobalist quasi-"Think Tank" w/ members across the gamut of high positions in many Key genre places

Just Beware
Have a Heads-up on things

We war not against flesh & blood, but against principalities and Powers of Darkness
Ungodly folks are attracted to power 
& there is just too much money power
for their not to be some attempts to control
unfortunately, a lotta success, by these evil Men who dwell in Darkness

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bonus Solution

(but not limited to)


Topic: Boomer Prayers
Comment by forgivenbadboy on October 3, 2019, 1:03 pm
awe TY wickedwren means a lot, someone saw it & liked it :-)
Comment by wickedwren on October 3, 2019, 10:22 am
Great article!!

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