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Posted by admin on September 9, 2015, 9:32 am
Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Fewer natural substances get more positive press from newspapers, magazines and social media sites than apple cider vinegar and honey. Even taken alone, each brings some amazing health benefits to the body. Apple cider vinegar is great for digestive health, for instance, and can be used topically to treat a number of skin conditions as various as burns, dandruff or minor cuts and scrapes. Honey has been widely used since the time of the ancient Egyptians for its medicinal properties, and even today it is an important weapon in the modern fight against difficult-to-heal wounds like severe burns or diabetic ulcers. No natural health website is complete without information on these two amazing substances. However, when apple cider vinegar and honey are used in conjunction with one another, their healing powers are intensified and they can support the health of the body in some truly amazing ways.

Reduced inflammation

Not surprisingly, one thing which the combination of honey and apple cider vinegar seems to accomplish in spades is reducing inflammation throughout the body. This helps on two levels. First, it can make the management of chronic inflammation conditions like arthritis or ulcerative colitis easier to achieve. Second, preventing inflammation can help prevent the onset of other serious chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

Better digestion

This honey-apple-cider-vinegar combination is a great way to improve digestion and works in several different ways to achieve this. It is great for treating and preventing problems like heartburn, acid reflux and over-acidity in the stomach. It can help treat sluggish bowels and prevent problems like chronic constipation from setting in. It can even support oral health and banish problems like bad breath! It is, in short, a great tonic for the whole digestive system.

Improved heart health

This dynamic duo is also able to improve the health of the heart. Regular consumption of a honey-apple-cider-vinegar mix has been shown to improve cholesterol levels (and more importantly, the ratio between good and bad cholesterol) and also to reduce high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Indirectly, it also helps promote heart health through weight loss, since obesity is another common cause for cardiac problems.

The takeaway here is that, while apple cider vinegar and honey, just on their own, are great for the health, together they are a truly formidable combination which can prevent and treat a variety of medical problems, many of them chronic and severe. They are readily available in any grocery store and may be lurking in the cupboard or pantry already! Try this combination today and begin reaping all the amazing benefits that go to support long-term health.





About the author:
Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication.

Topic: Health & Tips

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