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My Boomer Place is an Internet destination for the baby boomer generation. The common thread on myboomerplace.com is life experience. All the members have one thing in common: they’re all over 35 and beyond. Well seasoned bikers, married couples, grandmothers, retired or about to be professionals, musicians and artists all co-mingle and share their common interests whether it be the family, photography, music, and a limitless list of other things. The site has wide range of features that attract its members like a chat room, instant messaging and a photo gallery. Former experienced MySpacers bring along their expertise in graphics and profile design and are ready to help others with less experience to create exciting profile pages complete with videos and music. Dating is a common interest for divorced and widowed empty nesters on myboomerplace.com and a few former Match.com customers have found a new place to post their profiles in hopes of finding the perfect mate. MyBoomerPlace is owned and operated by My-Tek LLC of Barrington,Illinois.

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