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mem_gold OFFLINE
62 years old
Reading, Pennsylvania
United States
Profile Views: 289
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MEMBER SINCE: 08/19/2006
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 09/06/2008 13:48:35

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Romantic/comedies are my favorite.

The most recent movie I saw was 88 Minutes and 27 Dresses

I like all types of music.It all depends on the mood I'm in at the time.
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I am currently reading Cookbooks to come up with new recipes.

I just got back into reading again.I find it very relaxing.I would appreciate any recommendations you might have.Just send me a message.I don't have a favorite type of book.I like anything from self-help to trashy romance novels.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photography,crocheting,knitting,sewing,cooking and Spending time with family and friends,Meeting new people.

My name is Denise

I am a wife and mother

I am a Christian

I have a passion for photography

I have a great out look on life

I am almost always happy

I am a positive person,with a positive attitude

I take what life throws at me and I deal with it

I love my family,including those members who don't bother to keep in touch

I love to help people,especially the elderly

I don't like mornings..because I am a night owl

I absolutely LOVE the ocean!!

My favorite food is Pizza

My favorite drink is Iced tea

My favorite way to spend a day is with my family(prefereably on a beach)

I am a grandmother.It is the next best thing to being a mother

I love talking to people and making friends

I love to laugh and enjoy life

I am easy going,hopeful,and caring

GOD has blessed me more than I deserve

Have a great day!!


MySpace Layouts

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Tulips in Orange


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

GOD and my faith,my family,the ocean,being outdoors,walking,taking photographs,Wawa cappuccino(french vanilla),sleeping and CHOCOLATE!!!!

People who swear excessively(there are other ways to express yourself).I also do not like DRAMA and the people who contaminate my life with it.We all have issues and problems,deal with it and go on.Life is too short.

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