I thought this would be a great place to interact with people in my own age group. I own a travel agency among other businesses and I'm hoping to find some travel buddies by forming group trips for everyone to participate in. The proceeds from these trips go to support my 2 NON-PROFIT organizations. I hope you'll want to travel with me and other members. If there is a trip you'd like me to get group rates for, please email me and I'll set it up.
The following is what brought me to where I am now in life:
If anyone had described my present day life and told me it would be mine, I would have never believed them. I am a business woman and have been all my adult life. But, two years ago my life took an unexpected turn that changed my life forever. On March 15, 2004, the man I love more than life, committed suicide. There isn't one single word to describe what that feels like. 'Devastation' seems like an understatement. Every day is a challenge. In that first moment upon waking each morning I think it was all a bad dream. The reality is quite different. It is a nightmare that I live with each and every day. Knowing the pain that comes from losing a person you love, I decided to do something that might spare someone else this horrible ordeal. I started a Crisis Intervention Center in the hope that people facing crisis can get help without losing their dignity. In addition to the crisis center is a foundation established for and dedicated to children who have lost a parent to suicide. The crisis center and foundation are a 24/7 job. But, it's a job I love doing and it helps get me through each day. My other business interests go to the support of both these non-profit organizations. Since Scott's death, my needs are few and my wants have become fewer. I'm finding that a good day is one when I come up with a new idea for a fundraiser or benefit event, or a new idea for a program that helps the community. I recieve calls from all over the country from people who have experienced a similar loss. Some just need to talk, some need to listen and some express interest in starting a new chapter of the crisis center in their community. I am actively working on two new openings in other parts of the country. I mourn Scott's death every day, but, I try to balance that with celebrating his life through the foundation and crisis center. View the website at: www.swcic.org