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Viewing 101 - 125 out of 184 Comments

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01/21/2025 13:25:03

Hope that everyone hasn't lost power

and that you are staying warm

Razz Hug

01/21/2025 12:02:26

If you want to be remembered forever, 

either do things worth writing or 

write things worth reading.

~ Benjamin Franklin ~

01/21/2025 10:47:36

Hi the taxi is done for a bit don't have to go again 

till 7pm. They are closing the grocery store early! They even 

closed school till Thursday. They close the schools for anything 

now day's i don't ever remember them closing the schools or 

grocery because of cold weather! Today we will find out if we 

get now or sleet! I just sit inside praying for a early spring! 

Hahahahahaha! Hope this finds you having a great day and looking 

for a good week for the finish! Take Care and share the Smiles! 

It warms the heart! Sending you Smiles and Hugs always!

Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh ~

01/21/2025 08:14:24

Story pin image

01/20/2025 16:28:40

carousel image 0

This may contain: a woman with her head in the clouds and a wolf standing on top of it


01/20/2025 14:32:17

This may contain: a woman in a bathtub with strawberries on her face and long black hair

Love and the Pleasures of Eating | HuffPost Life

HUgzzz, xo

01/20/2025 12:43:53

Be humble enough to accept your mistakes, 

intelligent enough to learn from them, 

and mature enough to never make them again.

~ Unknown ~

01/20/2025 09:52:23

Monday is a fresh start. It’s never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success...:)

This may contain: an outdoor cafe with tables and chairs on the sidewalk in front of a white building

Sending Hugz for a great new week precious one..

01/19/2025 21:41:07

01/19/2025 13:34:51

This may contain: a woman's face with blue eyes and the words, when they ask you who i am, tell them

This may contain: a woman with blue eyes is next to a wolf

I Hope your day is a relaxing one,  :) HUgz xo

01/19/2025 11:49:33

roses, violet, relax and love

Luxury Lingerie Beautiful Cute Blond Barbie Girl Long Hair Slim — Stock Photo, Image

scenery, view, goals and house

Luxury Lingerie Beautiful Cute Blond Barbie Girl Long Hair Slim — Stock Photo, Image

flowers, wedding goals, purple and decoration


01/19/2025 06:30:46

WTF Strange Crispy Regular

Fashion Young Woman Tulips Flowers Bouquet — Stock Photo, Image


Sensual girl with tongue tulips. Blowjob kiss, sensual tongue licks a tulip flower. Sexy female mouth and spring flower. Licking. — Stock Photo, Image


Beautiful girl with a bouquet of white flowers — Stock Photo, Image

WTF Strange Crispy Regular

01/18/2025 17:59:41

Good night my friend..

This may contain: a beautiful woman sitting on top of a bed in a white dress smiling at the camera

Sweet Dreams...xo

01/18/2025 16:33:39

Wild Caturday...

MEOWWW!! HUgzzz...xo :)

Image result for leopard gif

A leopard can not change its spots..

01/18/2025 16:23:11

Have a good night 

01/17/2025 17:54:42

01/17/2025 15:35:59

Waiting on the next winter weather mess this weekend

01/17/2025 10:28:21

“A good life is when you smile often, 

dream big, laugh a lot and realize 

how blessed you are for what you have.”

~ Unknown ~

01/17/2025 06:47:16


This may contain: a porch with chairs, tables and potted plants on the outside decking area

This may contain: two cups of coffee sit on a wooden table in front of a river and log cabin

Have a wonderful Friday..HUgzz xo

01/16/2025 19:45:04

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a metal object

Story pin image

Story pin image

Story pin image

Even the smallest person can change the coarse of the future.Msy the force be with you... xo

01/16/2025 14:32:29

This may contain: the inside of a restaurant with many tables and chairs

carousel image 0

CHEERS!! xo 

01/16/2025 11:15:30


This may contain: a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting in a car

This may contain: a man with tattoos on his arms and chest laying down wearing a white shirt and black tie

This may contain: a woman with tattoos and piercings on her arm holding her hand to her face


01/16/2025 11:08:03

01/16/2025 10:42:58

There Is No Next Time, No Time Outs, 

No Second Chances, 

Sometimes It's Now Or Never

~ Unknown ~

01/16/2025 09:33:40

Thursday has come in with sunshine and mid 50's! I am 

loving that! Hope your day is going your way! Don't forget to 

share those Smiles! Enjoy the rest of your day with laughter 

among friends! Smiles and Hugs Always

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.  

These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's 

pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.

~ Joseph Addison ~

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