My friends, if you could spare 5 minutes of your time to help us all who participate in the contest, we would greatly appreciate it. Your votes are needed for the contest.
Remélem jól teltek a hétvége napjai? Mi jól éreztük magunkat, nagyrészt a kertben voltunk a gyönyörű napsütéses időben. Jövő héten is hasonló lesz, ezt ígérik. Szép vasárnap estét, vidám és tartalmas jövő hetet kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva
It has been scientifically proven that stroking a cat can lower one's blood pressure. In 1987, cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in America (about 50 million cats resided in 24 million homes in 1986). About 37% of American homes today have at least one cat. If your cat snores or rolls over on his back to expose his belly, it means he trusts you. Cats respond better to women than to men, probably due to the fact that women's voices have a higher pitch. In an average year, cat owners in the United States spend over $2 billion on cat food. According to a Gallup poll, most American pet owners obtain their cats by adopting strays. When your cats rub up against you, she is actually marking you as "hers" with her scent. If your cat pushes his face against your head, it is a sign of acceptance and affection. Wishing you a wonderful Caturday.