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02/17/2025 07:25:04

good morning..may your new week bring you much joy xoxo 






02/17/2025 03:39:46

Hello, happy start of the week, may you be

blessed, everything you learn every day

is to start a new day, start with

positivity, the week is likely to

bring us good things, enjoy the Here and Now

because life is an eternal present,

may your smile look beautiful, change what

you most want from your day with strength

it is good at night to look at the stars

light up your face and your gaze, dream that

you fly like birds and you will see the sky

bright and your wishes will come true, kisses

maria, take care

02/17/2025 03:01:11

02/17/2025 02:09:16

Good morning friend, have a nice week...happy Monday! Hugs

02/17/2025 00:33:30


02/16/2025 23:25:45

Hello Sweetness!

“I built up these lumber piles of love, and with fourteen boards each I built little houses, so that your eyes, which I adore and sing to, might live in them. Now that I have declared the foundations of my love, I surrender this century to you: wooden sonnets that rise only because you gave them life.”                 --- Pablo Neruda  ---

Morning Sweet Friend....I hope your Valintines Day Weekend was just
wonderful for you and you didn't eat toooo much chocalate lol.Hope your
new week starts off great and stays that way all week! Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho carino y
respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.


02/16/2025 22:46:00

02/16/2025 22:41:21

02/16/2025 20:12:10

This may contain: a chanel quote with the words be who you are, not who the world wants you to be

Story pin image

Everyone else is taken... be an individual not a copy.you make rhe best you ...xo 

Story pin image

02/16/2025 13:56:49

Enjoy your day...

02/16/2025 13:27:34

*Sending some Sunday Love*

02/16/2025 13:10:52

*Sunday Blessings*

02/16/2025 12:38:20

Story pin image




02/16/2025 07:30:19


Story pin image

dark, before, mug and studying


02/16/2025 07:14:46

good Sunday morning..have a beautiful day..hugs 






02/16/2025 02:48:24

Hello, may your Sunday be as beautiful

as you expect, may a goblin come

with a magic wand and light you up like

the stars in the sky that shine

may your day be fulfilled with all your plans

with all your enthusiasm, may you hope that every

day is happy and everything goes well

with surprises you don't expect

full of positive and bright energy

and may it be like a gift you so desire

big hugs Maria, take care of yourself

02/16/2025 02:35:30

Hello sweet friend, have a nice Sunday! Kisses

02/16/2025 02:31:08

02/16/2025 02:27:37

02/15/2025 22:36:02


02/15/2025 22:14:25

Story pin 

I've survived
too many storms
to be bothered
by raindrops...

This may contain: a man and woman kissing each other in front of a
 gray background with their eyes closed

02/15/2025 22:12:19

A true friend is a treasure...

02/15/2025 21:05:07

*Good night*Sweet Dreams*

02/15/2025 17:08:48

This may contain: a woman holding a leopard in front of a wall with lights behind her and an image of a tiger on the back

carousel image 0

This may contain: a glass filled with liquid and gold claws


02/15/2025 09:08:32

carousel image 0

This may contain: a woman standing next to a black fence in front of a large brick building and green field

Have a Great Catruday.. HUgzzz, xo 

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