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02/14/2025 12:45:45

Today started a little cool so coffee indoors this am! 

So happy it is Friday, sleeping in is wonderful! I hope this 

finds you ready for your partner on this day of couples and 

love! I really miss my day with hubby though i do have some 

special memories! Have a nice special day and enjoy with big 

Smiles! Happy Valentines day BOBU! Sending Smiles and Hugs Always!

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while 

loving someone deeply gives you courage.

~ Lao Tzu ~

02/14/2025 09:09:59

Good Morning my Precious Friend,

Tons of Sweetness on Your Valentine's Day,

with Loads of Tenderness & Love to You...

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Dribbble - kiss.gif by yuyilin19

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Sleep? What's That? — Kissing [GIF]

02/14/2025 08:01:14

02/14/2025 07:10:39

~good morning~ 






02/14/2025 06:40:30

Hello Sweetness!

 When we kiss, I feel the excitement of being on a roller coaster or like the sky filled with fireworks on the fourth of July. Happy Valentine’s Day, and thank you for making my life an adventure!        -- Unknown --

02/14/2025 06:06:20

Hello Sweetness!

“I am going to show you, every day and in any way I can, that I 
love you and want to grow old with you.”       -- Unknown --

02/14/2025 05:56:52

Hello Sweetness!

“No matter how old we grow. I promise to be by your side and be the best companion to get us through.”          -- Unknown --

Happy Valentine's Day!

02/14/2025 05:14:15

02/14/2025 04:59:40

Relaxing weekend!

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=dj9gqaommvi.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=ihy61jeh4fq.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=qafufurtn8e.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=jlsp2ii7071.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=h85x8r6thf4.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=zqqg2za5ugc.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=u8qj7lsu0l0.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=h74uhb88i7t.jpg] [/url]

02/14/2025 04:50:57

Hello, today is Valentine's Day, the day

of lovers, a special day for those

who love each other, but it is not only for them

it is the day for everyone. Love is not only

in couples, but also in friendship,

family and shared moments.

Happy Valentine's Day to those who fill my

life with joy! I don't need a February 14th,

to remember I am no longer in love

sometimes relationships end for

many reasons, but I am in love

with friendship, pure and sincere. Spend your day

full of love, may you receive everything you want

big hugs, Maria, take care

02/14/2025 03:21:26

This may contain: a paper cut heart with an arrow and the words all you need is love on it


02/14/2025 01:59:25

02/14/2025 01:13:25

02/14/2025 00:51:58

Hello my sweet friend, Happy Valentine's Day...have a good one! Kisses



02/13/2025 19:42:46

 Hello Friend,


 Have a nice evening Hugs

02/13/2025 13:10:41

02/13/2025 12:04:38

Valentine Kisses for you Sweetpea!

02/13/2025 10:18:00

This may contain: two glasses filled with red velvet and topped with whipped cream


02/13/2025 08:08:07

Thursday seems to be good but we have a promise for 

rain! Have a great day and share the smiles! I ask of those 

of you that pray to add my oldest daughter to your prayers as 

things are looking bad right now! Thank you so very much! 

Sending Smiles and Hugs Always BOBU!

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. 

Without them humanity cannot survive.

~ Dalai Lama ~

02/13/2025 08:03:52

Hello Sweetness!

“I may not be your first love, first kiss, first sight, or first date but I just want to be your last everything.”       -- Unknown --

02/13/2025 07:55:54

Hello Sweetness!

You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart.          --- Unknown ---

My Sweet Valintine!

02/13/2025 07:46:00

Hello Sweetness!

Boudour Rouge        et Noir.

02/13/2025 05:54:07

This may contain: there is a pink cup with hearts in it on the plate and flowers around it

Story pin image

Romantic Song

02/13/2025 04:29:33

Hello, start your Thursday off right. Getting

up on the right foot is said to bring luck.

A perfect day should be started not with

coffee ot tea.It should be started with ME. 

A lovely  morning to you my DEAR.Let's 

SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day.

Wishing you a warm and healthy morning,

to make your day so special. Have a GREAT 

DAY ahead. With new hopes and dreams,

your day will be blessed as you wish,

full of peace and harmony with a ray of light.

I wish you the best for you take care

maria kisses..

02/13/2025 02:49:57

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