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02/28/2025 12:47:26

Story pin image

I don’t regret
the things I did wrong.

I regret the good things
I did for the wrong people...

This may contain: a man and woman are posing for a photo in the 
dark with their arms around each other

02/28/2025 10:41:13

Story pin image

Rocha Swaty  

This may contain: two people holding mugs filled with hot chocolate and topped with shamrock leaves, on top of a wooden table

Rocha Swaty    

02/28/2025 09:10:15

Good Morning  Friend


 Have a nice day ~ Hugs

02/28/2025 07:55:15

Hello, friend, happy Friday, you can turn this 

new day into something beautiful,you just have 

to decorate it with a little joy and excitement,

 we are here today,tomorrow, who knows,don't

look back,look ahead, continue the diet of joy, a

smile every morning and a thank you at the end of

the day, be happy,if you don't know if you live or dream, 

I'm going to blow away those dark clouds so

that your day is a day of success, with a ray of

light to illuminate your day, if you're happy,

I am too,big kisses Maria, take care 

02/28/2025 07:44:31

Riding into the weekend...

This may contain: a woman riding on the back of a gray horse next to a bird flying in the sky

Story pin image

Hugzz xo

02/28/2025 06:48:28

have a nice weekend..hugs 











02/28/2025 05:42:49

Hello Sweetness!


Is my Favorite Color.

Morning Sweet Friend....I hope this week was good to you and the
weekend is even better.I'm going away this weekend, away from all the
hustle n bustle of the city lol. See you guys back here on Monday yay!
Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido
amigos/amigas.Con mucho amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de
ti Janet.

02/28/2025 05:25:32

Hello Sweetness!

Quiet the Mind,    and the Soul     will Speak.

You Are Here      To Shine!

02/28/2025 05:14:34

Hello Sweetness!

02/28/2025 05:06:06

Hello Sweetness!

  The Trick toaging Gracefully    is to enjoy it.

Have an  amazing Day   Sweet Friend.

02/28/2025 04:40:35






02/28/2025 03:17:55

02/28/2025 02:55:31

Nice weekend!

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=6jy6yr1c1i6.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=graki00zd1j.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=lsmevin431y.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=ja6hrdtynj3.gif] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=d647j7noknf.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=ta0azm3gn5b.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=d7uh8b63arf.jpg] [/url]

[url=https://www.dreamies.de/show.php?img=diummq3fft3.jpg] [/url]

02/28/2025 02:49:44

Hello dear friend, have a wonderful Friday! Hugs

02/28/2025 02:00:07

02/28/2025 01:16:13

Smile - It's Friday Time to enjoy and have fun


02/27/2025 10:53:18

May your day be touched by a bit of the Irish Luck,brightened by.  a song in your heart and warmed by the smiles of the people you love. HUgzzz 

02/27/2025 07:58:41

Hello, friend, another day, may your Thursday 

be as special as you are. I wish you the best. 

 It's not that I forget, I can't resist greeting 

you every day it's my custom. I love the serenity

 of certain hours,while I drink a delicious coffee 

 and clear my head every morning I feel better

 and I leave you my best wishes to start a new day

with energy and that you smile one more day

and forever is the best medicine

a smile on your face lights up your day

may today you have new surprises that life

gives us, may each day illuminate you and you be happier

you be happier than the last. I send you big 

hugs,take care of them, I will do the same

take care of yourself, Maria

02/27/2025 07:20:48


interior, books, house and cosy

pastries, pumpkin, minimalism and tones

This may contain: a woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee in her hand and smiling

Happiness can be found even in the darkness of time, If you remember to turn on your light.. Enjoy your day sweet one..:) HUgzzz 

02/27/2025 07:10:51

02/27/2025 05:00:26

Good Morning my Cherished Friend,

Hope you're doing well having lovely times.

Sending You Bunches of Love & Peace...


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27 idées de Beaux espaces en 2025 | déco maison, déco bohémienne, décoration maison

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Flower Power Summer Sticker by Shabby Tiger Jewelry - Find & Share on GIPHY

02/27/2025 02:47:19

02/27/2025 02:31:00

02/27/2025 01:57:09

Hello sweet friend, have a wonderful Thursday! Hugs

02/27/2025 01:22:56

Have an excellent Thursday. Live life with joy and good humor and you will feel better every day


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