God bless Cpl Stephnie Hall & Sgt. Weezy❤
And God bless your beautiful country
Rained off and on all day, but thats ok, and long as it's not cold~
Sleep tight
" There the wicket cease from troubleing; and there the weary be at rest"
Job 3: 17
Bless Be
" He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool"
Proverbs 28: 26
I brought a couple of friends for our Boomer party:)
I hope you don't mind buddy
" We love Him because he first loved us"
1 John 4: 19
IT'S PAY DAY! Let's go shopping
Freckle Friday Stone
I am celebrating with a glass or two on a school night
but that's just between you and me;):-D
Cheers to Life❤
Throwback Thursday > Stone
Thanks Loves... didn't have my glasses on that day when I filled out the birthday status.. have new glassed now!! I'm good to go... July 11 ha ha ha. What Love you guys have... and I'm loving you back as well.
They are new every morning:
Great is thy faithfulness.