The lighter penguin is an elderly female whose mate died this year. The darker one is a younger penguin who lost his mate two years ago. Biologists have followed them as they meet up every night to comfort each other. They spend hours together looking at the lights.
Photographer Tobias Baumgaertner captured this image of two widowed fairy penguins looking out over the Melbourne skyline. It has won an award in Oceanographic magazine's 2020 Ocean Photography Awards. ߒ
Kind regards hugs♥️♥️♥️ Dayenne Am here in the Philippines Manila is a flight I am happy to be♥️ home ♥️again and hope so too Greetings and love Always Respect ♥️</a
Il est mignon ce petit écureuil enfin j'espère ne pas me tromper et que c'est bien un écureuil car chez moi au bord de la mer je n'en vois pas tous les jours. Je te souhaite une bonne soirée ainsi qu'un excellent week-end. Amitiés et bisous.
Hello dear Esteban, I thought that looked like you. It's a great picture. Thank you for sharing! :) Have a wonderful Friday, and weekend. Abrazos y besos. :)