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01/04/2025 12:03:26

01/04/2025 10:53:57

Stylish Calligraphy Demo

Story pin image

carousel image 0

This may contain: a leopard laying on top of a tree next to a sign that says dior


01/04/2025 10:14:35

Happy Saturday, Jaya!  Question of the day: What does the sea say to penguins?  :)  xox   

10 Interesting Facts About King Penguins - A-Z Animals Emperor Penguin Adaptations - Types of Adaptation - Bird Baron African Penguin - Facts, Habitat, Pictures, Behavior, Information ... The loneliest penguin in the world: 'Lost' Emperor swims on to beach in ... polar bear hug penguin in 2024 | Animals friendship, Polar bear, Funny ... 

Nothing: the sea just waves!   :)  xox

01/04/2025 08:45:15

01/04/2025 08:28:07

Happy Caturday....:)

This may contain: a woman dressed as catwoman standing next to a poster


01/04/2025 07:27:18

good morning Jaya





01/04/2025 06:43:53

01/04/2025 04:19:51

Image d’Épingle Story

Image d’Épingle Story

Image d’Épingle Story

Lapins animaux

Je te souhaite un week-end de tout repos

si tu es une adepte du farniente

⊹♡༄ Jaya ༄♡⊹

Ton programme pour ces 2 jours...

grasse matinée, sieste, séries télé

et réparer le monde depuis ton salon ?

Que mes bisous te trouvent

te portant comme un charme

quand ils t'arriveont.

Excellent week-end !


01/04/2025 03:03:31


01/03/2025 14:58:55

01/03/2025 12:24:08

01/03/2025 12:22:08

01/03/2025 11:14:00

Hello my friend.....:)

home, snow, winter and nature

Have a great Friday, HUgzzz Maria xo 

01/03/2025 11:09:45

“It is books that are a key to the wide world; 

if you can't do anything else, read all that you can.”

~ Jane Hamilton ~ 

01/03/2025 09:53:30


Always leave a little magic

wherever you go....

I wish you a day full of happiness and

a wonderful weekend ༻꧂

꧁༺With love༻꧂

01/03/2025 07:35:31

First Friday greetings, Jaya!  Enjoy your day!  :)  xox

Free Photo | Cute and loving couple in a winter city Consanguinity – How Likely is it? • Ovatures  Free Photo | Cute and loving couple in a winter city  Bangor Maine Teen Photograper | Becca • Maine Wedding Photographer ...  Promontory Club Family Photos | Park City Family Photographer | Jessica ...   

01/03/2025 07:23:11

Happy weekend to you my friend Jaya..lots of hugs 





01/03/2025 04:09:25

01/03/2025 01:36:25

Hello Sweetness!

Believe that Life is worth living and your belief will help you creatyour fact.  ---- Williams James ----

Morning Sweet Friend Jaya.....The end of a spectacular year and the begining
of another.I hope you have many wonderful things to accomplish this
year, I know I do. I hope your weekend is amazing n restful. Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho
amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/03/2025 01:23:50

Hello Sweetness!

Life is a mountain. Your goalis to find your path, not to reachthe top.    ----Maxime Legace ----

01/03/2025 00:51:11

Hello Sweetness!

It's a terrible thing, I think,  in Lifeto wait until your ready.           ---- Hugh Laurie ----

01/02/2025 21:32:49

Sweet Thursday night dreams!  :)  xox


01/02/2025 20:35:18

01/02/2025 20:14:23




01/02/2025 19:46:29

Stylish Calligraphy Demo

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman sitting in the back seat of a car wearing a black hat with a chanel logo on it

Stylish Calligraphy Demo

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