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01/26/2025 12:48:27

Nagyon szép téma gratulálok..

01/26/2025 12:47:49

01/26/2025 12:35:43

You always send such beautiful images❤ And your page

looks great! Happy Sunday, Mia Rose:)

Lovely_Mia wrote:

01/26/2025 12:35:09

NBeautiful theme Mia!

01/26/2025 12:34:51

Hi hope this finds you having a good weekend!

Mine has been nice! Laundry day to get us ready for 

the week to come! I will be glad when things get back 

to order! I think today other than laundry i will call 

some old friends and talk on the phone for a bit! My 

best friend moved to Alabama so we talk for hours all 

the time! You take care and share your Smiles and i am 

sending you Smiles and Hugs Always! 

Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves 

to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your 

mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.

~ Mary Kay Ash ~

01/26/2025 12:25:52

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Sunday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

01/26/2025 12:06:26

  ♥ ♥

01/26/2025 11:46:15

Have a Lovely Sunday, Sweetest MiA - Sending Big Warm Hugs, Dear  XO

01/26/2025 10:54:19

Happy (LATE) Caturday .. from all of us!  XXO

01/26/2025 10:33:08






Beautiful moments for your day ...

Enjoy your Sunday. Waiting for spring.


Many Hugs with love


01/26/2025 10:29:07

Beautiful page Mia. Have a lovely day. Hugs. :)

01/26/2025 10:05:35



01/26/2025 08:49:51

01/26/2025 08:49:33

01/26/2025 07:45:12

Good morning, Mia, yeah, you didn't miss anything with last night's Warriors' loss to the Lakers, but I'd say that this last Sunday in January is a perfect day to just "space out" to some tunes, watch the NFL playoffs, and slam down some pizza.    Whatever your plans are for the day, enjoy the heck out of it and have an awesome new week ahead.  It's-still-winter Love, Hugs & Kisses 

PS: I'm liking the new look of your layout, and speaking of tunes, that's an excellent cover of that Badfinger classic you just loaded.  I know Harry Nilsson has the most popular version of the song, but Mariah does a really great job with it as well.  

01/26/2025 07:21:55

Good Morning Gorgeous xo...

01/26/2025 06:09:52

Good morning dear Mia, wishing you a peaceful Sunday.

Winter Desktop Wallpapers Free Download
Blessed Be..*Hugs* & *Love*

01/26/2025 05:09:01

Hi Mia hope you are feeling well today.  l have a man coming out in the morning to check my roof.  Hope there is not too much damage.  Was out in the garden this morning trying to do some tidying up.  Might be a waste of time because more winds are expected this afternoon. Hope you are having a nice relaxing Sunday.

01/26/2025 04:11:29

Hello, friend, in this life we ​​receive what we

give, so make sure you give the best of yourself. 

When  you SMILE at LIFE, LIFE always ends up 

smiling at you. Take advantage of the afternoon

 to do something fun. Let's live intensely every moment,

 because life is a box of surprises.Being happy is an 

option that only depends on you. Choose happiness 

and get what you long for. Because the secret

of your happiness is hidden in it. Big hugs, Maria.

May your Sunday be bright and splendid

and sweet as your friendship

01/26/2025 03:55:51


01/26/2025 03:20:50





01/26/2025 03:04:07

Hello dear friend, have a nice Sunday, lots of kisses for you.

01/26/2025 02:56:58

01/26/2025 02:07:30

01/26/2025 01:25:25

This may contain: a vase filled with red tulips sitting on top of a wicker chair

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