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11/11/2024 12:13:36

Unfortunately, I drank all the wine but can make a great rootbeer float. 
Invitation sent:) 

11/11/2024 12:11:26

God bless Cpl Stephnie Hall & Sgt. Weezy❤

And God bless your beautiful country


11/11/2024 12:10:32

xxpeaceful evening xxmia,,i hope your veterans day  went smoothly xxx .here a lovely sunset  ..just now.. take care till later... hugs xxlove caroline xxx 

11/11/2024 11:41:19

11/11/2024 11:33:07




"Minden ember a földön a mában él, Ám a szívében még ott lapul a múlt, De megtalálja a holnap kapuját, Ahová a mán keresztül vezet minden út."

Máté Péter




Kedves Barátom! Remélem jól teltek a hétvége napjai. Nálunk a lányomék voltak itt Máté unokánkkal. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat, szombaton szép, napsütéses időnk volt. Vasárnap délutántól párás, ködös a levegő. Már napközben sem kellemes a hőmérséklet. Vigyázz magadra. Ölelésem, Éva




Békés hétfő estét, eredményes hetet!


11/11/2024 10:59:28

“Keep away from people 

who try to belittle your ambitions. 

Small people always do that, 

but the really great make you 

feel that you, too, can become great.” 

~ Mark Twain ~

11/11/2024 10:58:43



11/11/2024 10:53:10

11/11/2024 10:35:28

11/11/2024 10:28:14

Happy Monday dear Mia. Love & Hugs. :)

11/11/2024 09:48:19

11/11/2024 08:44:20

 I hope your week has started well, Mia!  Thank you, Veterans, and those who now serve the cause of freedom.

Veterans Day 2024 - What is It, And Why is It Celebrated? Us veterans day 2024 observed What is the actual date of veterans day Increased Combat Roles Raise Concerns of PTSD Symptoms in Women Vets ... Petaluma Veterans Day Parade and Flyover at 1 PM, Saturday, November ... Military OneSource Highlights Commitment to Military in ‘Our Promise to ...  

11/11/2024 07:51:13

11/11/2024 07:19:53

G,morning Mia

11/11/2024 06:32:34

Good morning dear Mia, wishing you a wonderful week.

Beautiful autumn scenery Stock Photo 04 ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs* & *Love*

11/11/2024 06:03:48

Good Morning Beautiful xo...

11/11/2024 05:59:15

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Facebook Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your facebook profile and facebook comments at superhotfile .com

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Facebook Comments, Funny Comment Codes, Animations, Comment Glitters, Glitter Graphic s, Pictures, Graphics for your facebook profile and facebook comments at superhotfile .com

11/11/2024 05:30:17
Hugs Mia

11/11/2024 04:08:49

11/11/2024 03:39:55

💛 Good morning 

have a Magical Monday 💛

11/11/2024 01:34:13

Good morning sweet friend: Have a nice week...happy Monday! Kisses

11/10/2024 23:20:51

11/10/2024 22:28:55

Happy Monday

Pin page

Romantic Forest Engagement Shoot

11/10/2024 22:20:55

Romantic Forest Engagement Shoot

72 My *Love* ideas | beautiful roses, beautiful rose flowers, beautiful  flowers

Hello my dear Mia lots of love and many kisses

11/10/2024 21:45:48

I can hardly bear it

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