Many Hugzz on this Hump Day, :)..xo
No matter how down life gets you,
remember that once you hit rock-bottom,
the only way to go is up.
~ Unknown ~
Le destin fait ce qu’il veut
Alors faisons comme lui
Vivons notre vie à fond
Et elle nous semblera plus légère
Je te souhaite mon Ami(e) une bonne semaine
Ainsi qu’une belle et douce soirée
= = Amitié de Pimprenelle = =
“If you look at the world and at yourself through
a lens tainted by negativity, you will find much misery.
If you look outward and inward through
a lens illuminated by positivity,
you will find much to be happy about and appreciate.”
~ Henrik Edberg ~
Enjoy the first day of your new week..:)
Ms Whitney Houston could not have said it any better...Im every woman its all in me..HUgzzz.. xo
Hi, I hope your having a relaxing day..:)
Hugzzz & Kissezzz.. xo