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04/18/2024 19:35:02

Evening, chilly day  light rain

went to lunch with my friend.,

every thursday., hope you had a great day  see you in the morning.

04/18/2024 18:26:34

Hello Sweetness!

It is a fact of life that injustice has no colorand stupidity comes in all colors. Still I am grateful and believe the world is brimmimgwith people whose hearts are color blind. Inmy eye s they are the most resplendent.             ----- Dodinsky -----

Morning My Sweetest Of Friend....I hope you had a good day today so
far.Please be gentle with yourself today, you matter too!. Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble, as alway s
sent with mucho, mucho carino y mucho respeto Janet.

04/18/2024 15:23:36

My arm is sore today got my shingles shot yesterday so  

now by the Grace of God and i trust him! Don't want no shingles!  

I had a long talk with my oldest daughter and you could tell she  

was hurting but trying to hide it so i won't worry about her! Sure  

wish i could help her in some way! She has some great kids and her 

husband are taking good care of her! I am still praying for God's  

healing hands! Today i am so confused it is Friday for me! SMILES! 

well have a peaceful evening / day! Sending you Smiles and Hugs as  


If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - 

and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but 

so are the rewards.

~ Bear Bryant ~

04/18/2024 11:52:57

In life there are 1000 reasons to cry, 

100 reasons to smile, 

10 reasons to keep going 

and 1 reason to care

~ Unknown ~

04/18/2024 09:48:20

04/18/2024 08:51:02

Well, Hello Thursday!

04/18/2024 05:35:33

Hello Sweetness!

And  I ,infinitesimal being drunkwith the great starry void, likeness,image of mystery, I felt myself a purepart of the abyss, I wheeled with thestars, My heart  broke loose on the wind.   ------ Pablo  Neruda ------

04/18/2024 03:26:46

Hello Sweetness!

The day s are discarded or collected,they are bees that burned with sweetness or mad the maddened the sting: the struggle continues, the journeys go and come between honey and pain.No, the net of  years doesn 't unweave: there is no net. They don't  fall drop by drop from a river:there is no river.Sleep doesn't divide life into halves , or action, or silence, or honor: Life is like a stone, a single motion, a lonesome bonfire reflected on the  leaves,an arrow, slow or swift, only one, a metal that climbs or descends burning in your bones.            ---- Pablo Neruda ----

Morning My Dear Friend....I hope all is well with you and we are able
to connect here.I had a great time with family, able to connect and bond
with family members is priceless!I hope you have an amazing day my
friend. Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Beautiful and Humble as always sent
with mucho, mucho amor y respeto su amiga janet.

04/17/2024 17:18:50

Evening  my friend.,

happy Wednesday the weather was cool low 50's  and windy

just went for coffee and shopping at Costco

made english muffin pizza's for dinner., with canadian bacon..also ice box cake.  hope you had a great day

see you  tomorrow.

04/17/2024 11:21:02

04/17/2024 11:04:40

Wednesday love...

04/17/2024 08:58:52

There's no going back. 

I've made my choices.

And by making those choices, 

I chose to move on.

~ Unknown ~

04/17/2024 05:21:17

Good morning...

04/16/2024 17:30:59

Evening my friend

was another nice day in the 60's

tomorrow  the same.  i just went to the Mall to Macy's . then  to Joann's fabric

hope you had a good day.,  don't know what i'll make for dinner., maybe just some potato chips... have a good night my friend.

04/16/2024 15:49:10

Been a hot one here! We are seeing mid 80's 

already! Hope this finds you having a great day! Talked 

with my daughter yesterday and you could tell she was in 

pain but trying to hide it! Sure wish i could help her 

ease the pain! Still in need of prayers! Thank you for 

joining the prayers! Enjoy this Day/Evening! Smiles and 

Hug's alway's 

It always seems impossible until it's done.

~ Nelson Mandela ~

04/16/2024 11:43:36

Someday everything will make perfect sense. 

So for now laugh at the confusion, 

smile through the tears, 

and keep reminding yourself, 

everything happens for a reason.

~ Unknown ~

04/16/2024 07:39:14


Pool time is getting closer...

04/15/2024 18:22:05

Evening  was a beautiful Patriots day in the 70's

sun was shining tomorrow they say the same yeah 2 days no rain.,hope your having a great start to a new week.,  waiting for my son to come by.

see you in the morning., hugs  June

04/15/2024 17:42:36


04/15/2024 14:52:40

04/15/2024 14:30:33

04/15/2024 14:24:04

Monday love...

04/15/2024 14:09:20

“Waiting is painful. 

Forgetting is painful. 

But not knowing which to do 

is the worst kind of suffering.” 

~ Paulo Coelho ~

04/15/2024 10:47:54

today april 15 is  my mother anversery of her going to join god home. .1988. my beautiful mom.

 she holding her fifi dog french poodle name fifi powder puff. my mom was a RN, EVERYONE LOVED HER. FAMILY AND  HER  PEOPLE WHO HAD HER AS HER NURSE. I MISS HER MOM I LOVE YOU,

04/15/2024 08:47:17

*     *     *     *     *

...Spring has sprong here and hope it has to where you are...enjoy this day and this new week ahead, my sweet friend...!

*     *     *     *     *

...I picked these for YOU!...

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