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05/29/2024 12:32:25

"It doesn't matter what people think about you, 

It only matters what you think about yourself."

~ Unknown ~

05/28/2024 17:52:27


05/28/2024 10:59:19

When you talk, you repeat what you already know; 

when you listen, you often learn something.

~ Unknown ~

05/27/2024 18:58:43


05/27/2024 12:37:03

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, 

a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, 

an honest compliment, 

or the smallest act of caring, 

all of which have the potential to turn a life around 

~ Unknown ~

05/24/2024 11:16:54

"Just because today is a terrible day 

doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life. 

You just have to get there."

~ Unknown ~

05/24/2024 05:55:56

Hello Sweetness!

I, not events, Have the powerto make me happy or unhappytoday. I can choose which itshall be. Yesterday is dead,tomorrow hasn't arrived yet.I have just one day,today,and I'm going to be happyin it.------- Groucho Marx -------

Morning Beautiful Soul Roberto....How has the day been treating you so far? I
hope today is good to you and been treating you kindly! I hope you have
an amazing rest of the day, Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Beautiful and
Humble as alway s sent with mucho, mucho amor y respeto, su amiga janet.

05/24/2024 05:14:13

Hello Sweetness!

 For what it's worth: it's never too lateor in my case, too early to be whoeveryou want to be. There s no time limit,stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rulesto this thing. We can make the best orthe worst of it. I hope you make the bestof it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things thatyou've never felt before. I hope youmeet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life your proud of. If you find that your not, I hope youfind the courage to start all over again.        ------ Eric Ruth ------

Morning My Sweet Friend Roberto.....I hope your day starts off good n easy and
continues that way for the rest of the day.Until 6/10/2024, Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble sweet one as alway s sent with
mucho carino y respeto su querida amiga Janet.

05/23/2024 18:29:10


05/23/2024 16:34:13

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Kiss Sarena 

05/23/2024 10:45:55

Every Morning you have two choices.. 

Continue your sleep with dreaming 

OR wake up and chase your dreams. 

Choice is yours!

~ Unknown ~

05/23/2024 04:41:51

Hello Sweetness!

Friendship is the bestiest thing that comes to Life. Friends will alwaysbe there for you don't worry aboutthe fakes worry about the peoplewho had your back from the startand never treated you wrong alwaysremember they are your real friendsdon't never take them as grantedbecause one day your going to losea good Friend by the way your actions are . When you see a good Friend stick to that person.      ---- Marilyn Monroe ----

Morning Dear one...I hope you have a good start to this morning my
friend!See you back here on Friday Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful
and Humble mi querido amigo/ amiga, Siempre enviado con mucho amor y
respeto, su amiga querida gue nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

05/22/2024 22:58:17
Hello Sweetness!

I can't think of a betterrepresentation of beautythan someone who is unafraid to be herself.  --- Emma Stone ---

Morning Sweet Friend Roberto......Hope all is well with you and you are
enjoying your day.Good to meet up with you here.Stay Safe, Stay Well,
Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amiga/amigo, enviado con mucho carino y respeto su amiga querida Janet.

05/22/2024 14:44:48

Beautiful day here....Sunny in the 70s......soon to be in the 90s....loving the roses,and flowers.....Hope you are enjoying your day too....Hugs Lorribelle54

05/22/2024 12:01:53

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 

Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. 

Let reality be reality. 

Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” 

~ Lao Tzu ~

05/22/2024 10:44:11

Hello Sweetness!

No one saves us but ourselves.No one can and no one may.We ourselves must walk thepath.           --- Budda ---

Morning Sweet Sweet Friend Of Mine....How are you doing today? Good I
hope.....Enjoy your day as only you can my friend.Stay Safe, Stay Well,
Stay Beautiful and Humble querido amigo/amiga. Eviado con todo mi
corazon lleno de amor, su querida amigo gue nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

Enjoy The BeautyThis Day Brings!

05/22/2024 10:09:05

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05/21/2024 18:11:36

05/21/2024 10:55:22

"Hold on to your dreams for they are, in a sense, 

the stuff of which reality is made. 

It is through our dreams that we maintain 

the possibility of a better, more meaningful life."

~ Leo Buscaglia ~

05/21/2024 10:54:04

Say not, “I have found the truth,” but rather, 

“I have found a truth.” 

Say not, "I have found the path of the soul.

” Say rather, “I have met the soul walking upon my path.”

For the soul walks upon all paths.

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

~ Kahlil Gibran ~

05/21/2024 10:49:13

your welcome :)

05/20/2024 13:57:57

“Count your life by smiles, not tears.


Count your age by friends, not years. 

Happy birthday!”

05/20/2024 09:19:43


05/19/2024 17:55:58


05/16/2024 19:43:27

We have been having hot weather in 90s.....Feels like summer......Hope you have been well....Busy going to baseball games for grandson.....And watching baseball on TV....TGIF.....Hugs Lorribelle54

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