Hello, Sorry for the prolonged absence. Winter & especially the Holidays just aren't my favorite times. Even more so without my Wife Judy, whom I lost not all that long ago. It's just difficult to get into a cheerful mood when it's not how I'm actually feeling inside. I appreciate every one of you & all the Wonderful comments you've posted for me(yes, I've seen every one. - Please have patience with me as I navigate these dark, sometimes unbearable times.
Morning Sweet Friend Ally.....The end of a spectacular year and the begining
of another.I hope you have many wonderful things to accomplish this
year, I know I do. I hope your weekend is amazing n restful. Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful n Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho
amore y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.
I did the same thing on Friday...got all my staples last Friday, so I'm all set. Biggest concern for me will be a possible ice storm and losing power...I'm a prepper, so I had most of what I might need already thank goodness...