La nature se réveille... il y a comme un air de printemps ! Ici , les fleurs commencent à pointer le bout de leur nez ainsi que les bourgeons des arbres , les oiseaux chantent... On se sent revivre ... Tout indique que Le printemps sera bientôt là... Je te souhaite un excellent week-end et t'envoie quelques rayons du soleil qui est actuellement bien présent chez moi...
Hello and good afternoon Dear ♥️.Friends whole♥️ have a nice weekend♥️ in Peace and Harmony ♥️ I'm with the Dogs busy♥️ just do this between by ♥️Kiss and Love ♥️Dayenne ♥️ Always remain calm to keep!!!! and respect each otherߙ
After a few days of mourning, and immense sadness, I force myself to come back on the order to greet you...
I just lost my adorable Poupousse... who must have been around 14 years old (if not more)... I don't know... he arrived at my house like all the others...
My heart really isn't in it...
I just want to go back to my bed and sleep, to try to forget...
All I have left is Pompon, also 14 years old (that's for sure, because his dad Pilou brought him to me as a baby) and the poor thing is now crippled by osteoarthritis (just like me)...
we share our sadness...
Here, it's gray, but a little warmer...(+15° Centigrade)...which is still a better thing!!
grayness is not very pleasant...especially when your heart is not happy...
The fog is not good for our osteoarthritis...: I can hardly walk anymore... my feet hurt so much...
Let's hope that Mother Nature brings us back soon, Mr. Spring!!!
...with sunshine!!!
....but for this weekend, we are predicted rain in my area...
Good evening darlings or whatever it is ♥️ is currently with you in the country ♥️ Lots of love♥️ from the Netherlands ♥️ Give to all a nice sunny one weekend ♥️ Yes it's busy here♥️ Lievers loves what should be included? And then nothing just need to breathe♥️ Hugs Dayenne♥️