Hello Dear all I am still busy helping and it is difficult but good Thanks everyone for the Dear messages with the pictures Yes many greetings from this side Dayenneߒٰߒ
Good Morning! This weather has been wonderful for reading. I love a really good book with a really happy ending.
We all know that along the way in life, there are ups and downs, and sharp turns that take us in a different direction. But where would we be now if we hadn't followed that new direction?
As you read you realize that in life, all of us have a story to tell. Have you thought about your story lately?
Have you shared your story with family and friends? Have your children and grandchildren learned a good life lesson from your story?
We are all very different, unique, and our stories are all different. Share the good and the bad because that is how we learn and get to where we are now.
How is your story coming along? One day, we will make it all the way through the book to The End.
Evening very chilly in the morning temps below but went to 30's today., got my gas bill went up to 300. for 1 month ouch heats on 68., went for coffee and aldi's,
hope your having a great day.,
my son will be by i made a homemade beef stew
have a good night, see you in the morning., goodnight
Szeretettel köszöntelek.Sajnos beteg voltam, ezért voltam távol, de már javulok. Remélem veled minden rendben és sok pihenéssel töltötted az új év első hétvégéjének napjait? Legyen szép a vasárnap estéd is...
Kellemes jövő hetet kívánok számodra, sok vidámsággal. Felénk most hideg napok vannak. Enyhülést, szeles időt ígérnek...Ölelésem, Éva
"Megtanultam, hogy a kincset a szívében hordozza az ember."