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06/24/2024 01:53:20

06/23/2024 18:48:50

Hope all are surviving this crazy hot weather 

06/23/2024 16:07:08

Bonsoir de France my dear Friend,

thank you for all the shared beauties !

May Your Summertime be Just very Happy,

with Lots of Love, Joy & Laughs...

drxgonfly:“Beauty in Nature (by Kristin Castenschiold)”

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

gregorygalloway:“ Brigitte Bardot (born 28 Sept. 1934)”

06/23/2024 02:03:05

06/22/2024 18:43:47

Did You Know...
When It Comes To Big Cats,Lions,Leopards,
Jaguars,And Tigers Can All Exhibit A Mighty Roar.
A Lion's Roar Can Be Heard Up To 5 Miles Away!

Good Evening Wolfie,My Priceless Friend
Hope Your Caturday Is Purrr-fect So Far!
Enjoy Your Weekend With
Someone That Makes You Smile

I Will Return Next Weekend...
Always Sent With Love,
**~Silver Rain~**

06/22/2024 16:07:52

Happy summer!!!

Happy Summer and Happy Caturday.

06/22/2024 10:00:53

  Only a few more treatments to go with the brand new cataracts,, wait a minute! Seeing quite well now, maybe too well. I pick up on every little thing now, not alwaya a good thin. Go for my new glasses prescription in a week or 2. Not having any pain anymore either, just occasional itching(that I CAN'T rub!) A BIG Thank ou to all of you for your Concern, Prayers & Good Vibes, They DO mean so much to me.

06/22/2024 03:03:36

06/21/2024 20:27:25

I Wish You A Wonderful Weekend. Stay Cool.

06/21/2024 16:30:19

06/21/2024 02:30:21

06/20/2024 15:05:00



Stay well and safe my friend.Sweet HUgzz Maria xo 

06/20/2024 06:46:52

Hello, my dear One ♥…

What a wonderful day this is. 

It has reminded me of you,

my equally gorgeous friend, 

& I decided to wish you 

a good Thursday!

~As always with Respect~

Kissesxxx♥love you♥xxxHugs Vicky 

06/20/2024 02:00:37

06/19/2024 13:18:54

06/19/2024 04:21:29

06/18/2024 18:10:21

06/18/2024 08:06:59

  Low doses of Steroids & Antibiotics thi week!  Haze is dissipating, things are bright & clear, almost TOO clear!!! When looking into a mirror I can see every single line, blemish, mole & imperfection! Not sure if I like this! Then I get to get a prescription for new glasses. Not really positive if I like all the results. Actualy if there wasn't the threat of the Cataracts gettting worse I'm not so sure I would have had this done.

06/18/2024 02:00:11

06/17/2024 18:40:46

The heat was crazy hot today

The Humidity was so high today too.

Looks like at least 7 more days of this Crap

And our energy company is doing a Happy Dance 

06/17/2024 16:09:59

Good Evening from France Dear Friend,

Hope you're Having Some Wonderful Times !

Monday Love & Bliss...

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Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

06/17/2024 11:48:31

This may contain: an open book with red roses and hearts on it, next to a smiling face

06/17/2024 09:59:35

06/17/2024 09:56:45

06/17/2024 03:03:47

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