Evening rainy day chilly 50's tonight they say 30 brrrr
Just went to the coffee shop., tomorrow at 9.30 to 10 am the celtics players will be there., not sure i'll get there. made veal cutlets and pasta for dinner..
hope you had a great Monday. and a wonderful night., see you tomorrow, goodnight hugs june
"Aki a csendet hallgatja, boldog lesz, elégedett és békesség tölti el, mert a csend hangjai a lélek hangjai."
Őri István
Kedves Barátom! Napsütéses, kissé szeles napunk van.Jó lenne, ha így is maradna a héten, lehetne a kertben dolgozni. Gyönyörűek a fák, a hulló falevelek. Teljenek a hét napjai kedved szerint.Ölelésem, Éva
We just now are having our weather cool off..Thank goodness....Had records broken for Oct. In The 100s....now 78....Hope every one is staying safe & well.....Hugs Lorribelle54