Hello friends We change year…. We change dreams…. We change goal…. We change ideas… But we don’t change friends… I’ll keep you all for 2025…. much love…
Elkezdődött az év utolsó hete. Lassan búcsúztatjuk az óévet és köszöntjük az újat. Kezdődjön vidáman, békében, reményekkel telve december utolsó hete. Kellemes napot, hetet kívánok! Örömteli szilvesztert!Köszönöm, hogy velem voltál, remélem a továbbiakban is folytatódik a barátságunk...Ölelésem, Éva
Hello ♥️dear warm greetings from Switzerland ♥️ from us here hug and ♥️ a nice cozy new year's eve Happy 2O25♥️ cheers to all Boomers♥️ Dayenne and see you after the New year♥️ Thanks for everything to Boomer Dear friends ♥️ warm hug♥️ to you Thanks!!!!!!!♥️
anyone know i forgot name of a tv show movie it was on every week then it went some weres it was my favorte i was following eposode each week now i got a new tv, for christmas with apps i can try to find it , it was about rescueing horses, the woman and her family was vets doctor to horses, woman was like a horse whisper wild horses they hire her to calm down the horses, it was the whole family grandfather they live in the same house horse farm. they fostor a boy who mother couldnt good care for end up adopted him he got his own horse. let me know, thank you,