Bonjour comment va tu hello how are you moi aujourd hui prends un peu de temps pour venir chez toi te faire un petit coucou prendre de tes nouvelles et t'offrir le cafe ca te dis today I am taking some time to come to you to say hello and offer you coffee and to tell you il est chaud et est pret a etre servie it is hot and ready to be served ...
Le soleil s'est levé the sunrise will be soon, ya tant de fleurs à cueillir there are so many flowers to pick, tant de choses à contempler so many things to contemplate tant de joie à découvrir so much joy to discover tant de voix à écouter many voices to listen tant de sourires à offrir so many smiles to offer et tant d'amour à donner and so much love to give tant de bonheur à vivre much happiness to live. Bonne journée en ce mercredi good day Wednesday.
Very important day for our nation. I hope you voted today my friend. So many people in line, that's great because it shows that we care for the future of our country. Enjoy the rest of this election day evening wherever you are.