finally got my computer to work. i could'nt do anything on it for weeks.
Hello, friend, good start to a special week
Today is a gift to you, just like you are a
gift to me.I am glad that you are
in my life.for your friendship Let's
SMILE and be GRATEFUL for another day
LOVE and HAPPINESS come to you in abundance.
see the POSITIVE sides of everything, you'
ll be able to live a much richer life
than others.Wishing you a warm and healthy
morning,to make your day so special. Have
Smile and be happy. Be grateful for
all the good things in your life.kisses
take care........Maria
Hello, Don't start your day with the broken
pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake
up is the FIRST DAY of the rest of our life.
Great ATTITUDE is like a perfect cup of coffee.
Don't start your day with it.Blessings of grace and
peace be with you today and every day
Rise and shine, and be on your own way.
Enjoy your day.Today is a gift to you, just like
you are Happy Sunday,maria,take care
Hello, my dear friend, have a great weekend
incredible I hope that you never lack a reason
to smile, an illusion to live and many reasons t
to fight and be happy, the illusion to live and do
new things will bring many days of happiness
to your life each day gives you an opportunity
to be happier, beautiful day full of love,
peace, love, light up your eyes at night
to the stars and your eyes will shine
Maria wishes you from the heart, big kisses
to you take care............
Hello, may your Friday and weekend begin well,
with a shower of blessings, live
each day with beautiful dreams, a smile
is a gift, sadness brings wrinkles and
bad moods, while you find what you are looking for,
be happy, with what you have, life gives us
a new day so that we can fill it with
joy, happiness, love, and health, fly as
high as your dreams take you, I leave you
a million kisses and friendship,maria take care.......
Hello, friend, good start to this Thursday
I wish you a GOOD DAY, that you have the best
time. If life doesn't smile at you, tickle it. Life
is like a mirror that will smile at you if you smile.
The happiest people are not those who
have the most, they are those settle for less
than life gives us If you know how to share
joy and happinessamong the people around
you most of them will return that joy
that you wish for with a smile on their face
kisses, take care, Maria...........
Hello,friend, good morning, I hope you start
this Wednesday Fly as high as your every
day is important to be happy,with
effort, and dedication for those of us
who have faith and new dreams
Full of joy, with good humor, today is
What matters most Live here and now
I send you a ray of light so that your
dreams come true with everything you dream of
and your home is illuminated Big hugs
Maria, take care -------------
Hello, a positive thought, on this Tuesday
loving and feeling loved, is the best thing that
can happen to you in this life, beautiful, may today
you be spread with joy, happiness, and love,
starting the day with a nice message
from people, who love you and appreciate you
will surely make you smile, and every day
will be as beautiful as you, I send you a shower of
blessings on this beautiful day and
enjoy the good things in life, I send you big
hugs, take care maria...........