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04/25/2024 16:42:46

Evening  chilly day

went to lunch with a girlfriend., came home for the cleaning guy.,

plus my son came by  i bought pizza's for dinner.

hope your having a great day and night

04/25/2024 10:40:23

“I love people who make me laugh. 

I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. 

It cures a multitude of ills. 

It's probably the most important thing in a person.” 

~ Audrey Hepburn ~

04/24/2024 15:24:20

Afternoon., beautiful day sun shining

went to lunch with a good friend., enjoyed her company.

hope your having a great day and a wonderful night

hugs June

04/24/2024 11:24:08

"The only way to discover the limits 

of the possible is to go beyond them 

into the impossible." 

~ Arthur C. Clarke ~

04/23/2024 17:13:51

Evening., weather in the 50's  nights frost

just went for coffee., hope your having a good day

see you in the morning.

04/23/2024 13:19:00

“Hope is the thing with feathers 

That perches in the soul 

And sings the tune without the words 

And never stops at all.” 

~ Emily Dickinson ~

04/22/2024 17:53:22

Evening  sun out  but chilly

the day was in the 50  but the night have been frost., not helping my plants.,  went for coffee, but first to the poat office i should of left the line was 23 people and only 1 clerk  and she was in training.,so i was hour and 10 minutes in line., should of gave the package to my son but he was sick today., so i won't see him tonight., i just put the trash out  . the went to BJ'S wholesale

hope you had a good start to a new week, and a wonderful night.

hugs  June

04/22/2024 13:42:51

Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, 

not realizing that life is made up of little things.

~ Unknown ~

04/21/2024 17:35:50

Evening., a chilly day/;

I stayed in  and  baked  cookies  homemade  spiced oatmeal raisin, my son wanted me to go to his house  it's the girlfriend birthday.  i like staying home  have 50.00 T.J Max card for her, will give it tomorrow when he comes over...

hope your having a great, sunday

04/20/2024 19:05:01

Evening didn't do much today

but washed linen. stayed in

hope your having a better day,

see you tomorrow.

04/19/2024 17:21:36

Evening., was chilly in the 50's  sun in and out

just went for coffee., oceanstate lot. cvs, costco to exchange something traffic was awful.

hope your day was better.  made some pasta for late lunch. so no dinner.

have a great start to to the weekend., see you in the morning.

Hugs june

04/19/2024 14:57:56

Family isn't always blood. 

It's the people in your life who want you in theirs. 

The ones who accept you for who you are. 

The ones who would do anything to see you smile, 

and who love you no matter what.

~ Unknown ~

04/18/2024 19:37:38

Evening, chilly day  light rain

went to lunch with my friend.,

every thursday., hope you had a great day  see you in the morning.

04/18/2024 11:53:45

In life there are 1000 reasons to cry, 

100 reasons to smile, 

10 reasons to keep going 

and 1 reason to care

~ Unknown ~

04/17/2024 17:21:00

Evening  my friend.,

happy Wednesday the weather was cool low 50's  and windy

just went for coffee and shopping at Costco

made english muffin pizza's for dinner., with canadian bacon..also ice box cake.  hope you had a great day

see you  tomorrow.

04/17/2024 08:59:45

There's no going back. 

I've made my choices.

And by making those choices, 

I chose to move on.

~ Unknown ~

04/16/2024 17:33:28

Evening my friend

was another nice day in the 60's

tomorrow  the same.  i just went to the Mall to Macy's . then  to Joann's fabric

hope you had a good day.,  don't know what i'll make for dinner., maybe just some potato chips... have a good night my friend.

04/16/2024 11:44:21

Someday everything will make perfect sense. 

So for now laugh at the confusion, 

smile through the tears, 

and keep reminding yourself, 

everything happens for a reason.

~ Unknown ~

04/15/2024 18:24:32

Evening  was a beautiful Patriots day in the 70's

sun was shining tomorrow they say the same yeah 2 days no rain.,hope your having a great start to a new week.,  waiting for my son to come by.

see you in the morning., hugs  June

04/15/2024 17:54:18


04/15/2024 14:10:11

“Waiting is painful. 

Forgetting is painful. 

But not knowing which to do 

is the worst kind of suffering.” 

~ Paulo Coelho ~

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