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02/12/2025 04:32:30

Hello, good morning, I hope you start well 

this Wednesday Fly as high as your dreams

 take you Every day is important to

achieve, be happy, with effort, and dedication

For those of us who have faith and new dreams

Full of joy, with good humor, today is

What matters most Live here and now

I send you a ray of light so that your

dreams come true with everything you dream of

and your home is illuminated Big hugs

Maria, take care--------------

02/12/2025 03:28:06

02/12/2025 03:13:34

"Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it."

Nice day ~ Be always happy.


02/11/2025 23:51:44

Hello Sweetness!

The thought of you makes my heart skip a beat; it beats so fast and makes me breathe so hard. You are the one my heart desires. I love you my Darling!        -- Unknown --

Morning Dear Friend....here's hoping your week so far is good to
you.Sending pre-Valentine's Day comments to all my Friends, until
Friday.Comments are not directed at amyone, ty.Stay Safe, Stay Well,
Stay Beautiful and Humble querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho amor y respeto,
tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

02/11/2025 23:27:46

Hello Sweetness!

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.               ---Unknown ---

Happy Valintines Day!

02/11/2025 21:20:25


Gentle Spring Background with Beautiful Flowers | Premium AI-generated image

02/11/2025 19:17:00

Nite Nite my friend,

Story pin image

Story pin image

This may contain: two candles sitting on top of a stone floor

Sending Prayers with a Hug xo

02/11/2025 19:14:02

 Sweet Friend,


 I hope that you had a nice day.

 Enjoy your evening. ~ Hugs

02/11/2025 17:29:29

La rose est espoir dans un
monde en peine

Elle célèbre la paix et

Ses fragrances divines
apaisent nos âmes sereines

Et illuminent nos vies d'une
douce mélodie

= = = 🖤 = = =

La rose messagère céleste

Porte en son cœur la promesse
d'un amour éternel

Elle enchante nos rêves et
dans le silence céleste

Nous laisse entrevoir un monde
où tout est merveille

 = = Pimprenelle = =

 The rose is hope in a world in

It celebrates peace and

Its divine fragrances soothe
our serene souls

And illuminate our lives with
a sweet melody

= = = 🖤 = = =

The heavenly rose messenger

Carry in your heart the
promise of eternal love

She enchants our dreams and in
the heavenly silence

Let us glimpse a world where
everything is wonder 

= = Pimprenelle = =

02/11/2025 17:15:29

Wishing you a day full of happiness and blessed

Love and hugs from my heart


02/11/2025 15:31:06

 Love is a song....
that never ends!

02/11/2025 15:02:32

*Love and Kisses*

02/11/2025 14:32:15

02/11/2025 13:21:42

Le bonheur est le plus beau des maquillages mais un sourire vaut mieux que n'importe quel rouge à lèvres. J'espère Liza que tu as passé une bonne journée peut être chez toi sous le soleil ici un peu froid mais normal c'est l'hiver. Bonne soirée avec de gros bisous.


02/11/2025 13:18:05

*꧁͜͡꧂Good evening my sweetest friend.꧁͜͡꧂*

Happiness is found only in one place;

in the company of the good and

pure who are chosen by God.

Not one step forward

And not one step back.

Thank you dearest

for your visit and friendship.

꧁With love,Sunshine꧂

02/11/2025 13:08:21
✨Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
❉I Believe In The World..
✨Because I Believe In Life..
❉I Believe In Life..
✨Because I Believe In Love..
❉I Believe In Love..
✨Because I Believe In Friendship..
❉I Believe In Friendship..
✨Because I Believe In You ♥
❉Happy Day or Night Dear Friend ❥
☀(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

02/11/2025 11:31:37
J'espère que tu passeras une bonne journée Eliza

02/11/2025 09:48:11

Sometimes, GOOD people make BAD choices.

But it doesn't mean they're bad. . . 

It means they're humans.

~ Unknown ~

02/11/2025 09:09:59

Words of Wisdom ...


02/11/2025 08:26:06

Hello ! ma chere Jessika

Une petite intrusion chez toi, par ce jour de brouillard  pour venir te saluer chaleureusement !

J'espere que tu passes une journee bénie,  pleine de joie et de réussite

Je t'envoie un bouquet de bisous


02/11/2025 08:24:50

Hello ! ma chere Elisa

Une petite intrusion chez toi, par ce jour de brouillard  pour venir te saluer chaleureusement !

J'espere que tu passes une journee bénie,  pleine de joie et de réussite

Je t'envoie un bouquet de bisous


02/11/2025 08:01:38

hello and
good morning Elisa..may your day bring you much happiness..hugs xoxo 






02/11/2025 07:02:55

02/11/2025 06:16:51


grand, wall, style and design

Story pin image

This may contain: a teal vase with red berries sits on a window sill next to a cup

Romantic Song

02/11/2025 04:31:04

Hello,Good morning, Every new day can be a new

beginning in our lives. May your Tuesday be

very prosperous. Enjoy this beautiful

day in peace and harmony. Take on new challenges

or continue with the energy you have

in your progress. Have a full day of happiness,

success, and never lose your beautiful

smile. Big hugs, Maria.take,care.........

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