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03/06/2025 05:41:33




"Brillant de paix, de joie et de justice
serait le monde si certains étaient
tristes d'être mauvais".
Je suis venue te souhaiter
un beau jeudi printanier
Bisettes amitieuses ! hi hi hi !!!

03/06/2025 04:47:53

Story pin image

This may contain: an old stone house with red flowers growing on it's windows and door, surrounded by greenery

Enjoy your day, HUgzz xo

This may contain: two red and white polka dot coffee cups on a saucer with the words buen dia

03/06/2025 03:48:06

03/06/2025 02:54:14

Morning ,sweet Friend .Be happy !



03/05/2025 23:32:03


03/05/2025 21:49:35

good morning happy thursday - Apps on Google Play

Most Beautiful Flowers to Express Your Love | Blog - MyFlowerTree

03/05/2025 19:44:47

03/05/2025 19:26:13

 Hello Friend,


 Hope your day was good. Have a nice evening. ~  Hugs

03/05/2025 18:26:48

Good Night my friend, I just love my teddy bears...:)

This may contain: a brown teddy bear holding a heart in its paws with the caption i love you

Sweetest Dreams & Blessings.. xo

03/05/2025 16:01:24

*Find joy in the little things*

03/05/2025 15:38:13

03/05/2025 15:22:27

*Happy mid-week*

03/05/2025 14:06:13

carousel image 0

This may contain: a woman is hugging a wolf in the woods

carousel image 0

This may contain: a native american woman riding on the back of a horse with an eagle perched on her head

This may contain: a painting of a woman and a bear in the grass with one being chased by another

This may contain: a woman kissing a dog with the caption saying sit with animals quietly and they will show you their hearts

I am much More...xo

03/05/2025 12:37:54

Une petite parenthèse de moi:

Dans une terre infertile ou un désert il peut pousser une fleur :

D'une situation qui parait difficile il peut en résulter la paix dans le monde...

Paix, amour et espoir en un monde meilleur....

Bisous pour toi Elisa ..

03/05/2025 12:31:11

Bonsoir ma douce Éliza amie précieuse

Je te souhaite une belle soirée exquise pour toi 

Un doux baisers parfumés et un tendres câlins**

03/05/2025 12:02:18

Bonjour ma chère Liza, j'espère que tu as passé une super journée bien reposante sous le soleil de ta région, ici il y a un air de printemps mais frais le matin, nous allons quand même vers les beaux jours c'est appréciable. Passe une bonne soirée je te fais de gros bisous.


03/05/2025 10:59:16

A true friend is a not like the rain 

that pours and goes, their more like the air; 

sometimes keeping quiet, but always there..

~ Unknown ~

03/05/2025 10:31:15

*˜”*°• Good Morning *˜”*°•

*˜”*°•Wishing you a Beautiful & Relaxing Day!˜”*°•

*˜”*°•  Much Love  *˜”*°•

.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. .•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”*

03/05/2025 10:25:05


03/05/2025 09:28:58

03/05/2025 08:45:08

◄ Beautiful Blessed Morning ►

˚ ◌༘♡ With Life⋆。˚ ꕥ

03/05/2025 08:27:17

Story pin image

This may contain: two cups of coffee sit on a table in front of a window with raindrops

This may contain: an image of winnie the pooh and piglet

Story pin image

Today rain, Have a good day.HUgzzz xo

03/05/2025 07:52:04

Hello, how the days go by, every day that passes 

we areone day older, hehe, it is a saying from Spain

that TODAY and ALWAYS there is a reason to LAUGH, an

illusion to move forward and start a great

Wednesday, and hundreds of reasons to FIGHT and

be happy, one more day I was passing by here to

greet you, and wish you a great day of peace full

of love, enjoy your little pleasures

that surround you, don't let anyone erase your

smile. If it's being a good day, PAUSE to

enjoy it. It's the best secret of life

I wish you with all my heart, with a big hug

Maria, take care

03/05/2025 06:20:08

good morning Elisa..beautiful day to you..hugs xoxo





03/05/2025 03:58:50

Hello sweet Friend , hugssss, M.

"Perhaps there is something worse than vanished dreams...Losing the will to dream again."Sigmund Freud


Perhaps there is something worse than vanished dreams....

Losing the will to dream again.


Sigmund Freud

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