Guten Morgen mein Freund!
Freundschaften geben der Welt das Gefühl
wie vor einem Wunder zu sitzen.
Einen schönen Freitag. Viel Spaß.
Umarmungen, Abby
Hello, one more day, they fly by, like the
birds, sometimes I would like to be one and be able to
fly through the sky, and see things you don’t see, on
the earth, a loved one, who goes to heaven,
and tell a beautiful poem, the birds fly,
at their perch I don’t have to go with my feet
on the ground, to be able to walk, one more day and wait
for a new day, look at the nights, at the stars,
and be able to be one of them, and see how they
illuminate you, and shine, your new day, may it be
illuminated, like your friendship, good Friday,
full of joy, and happiness, the
sad days, throw them out and the beautiful days,
always stay with them, kisses Maria
bonne soirée chere Eliza
bisous bisous...
“We can never judge the lives of others, because each
person knows only their own pain and renunciation.
It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path,
but it's another to think that yours is the only path.”
~ Paulo Coelho ~
J'espère que ta journée se passe comme tu le désire Elisa.
Bon jeudi
Gros bisous
Je t'apporte du soleil dans ton coeur, chere Elisa
Passe une merveilleuse journee,
Tendres bisous
Hello, friend, good start to this Thursday
I wish you a GOOD DAY, that you have the best
time. If life doesn't smile at you, tickle it. Life
is like a mirror that will smile at you if you smile.
The happiest people are not those who
have the most, they are those settle for less
than life gives us If you know how to share
joy and happinessamong the people around
you most of them will return that joy
that you wish for with a smile on their face
kisses, take care, Maria
Plenty of rain here today, raining at the moment.
A lazy day for me.
Internet is slow as usual.
Have a good Thursday, my friend.
Love and hugs
Niite Nite, Sweet Dreams xo
*˜”*°•Wednesday Greetings ! *˜”*°**˜”*°•Have a Lovely Day ! *˜”*°• Much Love
*˜”*°•Wednesday Greetings ! *˜”*°*
*˜”*°•Have a Lovely Day ! *˜”*°•
Much Love