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06/05/2024 03:51:13

Hello sweet friend: I wish you a nice Wednesday! Hugs

06/05/2024 00:15:18



06/04/2024 20:31:56

Magical Owl Good Night Message

06/04/2024 18:55:08

Evening  was another nice day., tomorrow to., but Thursday they say back to rain., i just went to the store for a gift card., next week my son's birthday., i will also order Italian rum cake., and buy dinner...   hope you are having a great day......   I won't be on tomorrow having eye surgery, in the morning., have a good night.

Hugs June

06/04/2024 18:12:57

Man its  been HOT

Anyone want some juicy cold watermelon?

06/04/2024 13:19:54

Cling to your imperfections, 

they are what make you unique

~ Unknown ~

06/04/2024 12:44:35


Do yourself a favor and

When a connection starts to fade, learn
how to let it go. When  a person starts to
mistreat you, learn how to move on to 
something and someone better. Don't
waste your time and energy trying to 
force something that isn't meant to be.
Because the truth is, for every one
person who doesn't value you there 
are TONS more waiting to love you better.
Have a Super Day! Amazing One. Hugs 

The Two Shoe Salesman 

The Two Shoe Salesman story is a well-known parable that illustrates the power of perspective and attitude.

The story goes that two shoe salesmen were sent by a shoe company to a foreign country to assess the market for their product.

The first salesman arrived and immediately sent a message back to the company saying, “There is no potential here – nobody wears shoes.”

The second salesman arrived and sent a message back saying, “This is a fantastic opportunity – nobody wears shoes!”

The story demonstrates how two people can look at the same situation and interpret it completely differently based on their mindset and attitude.

The second salesman had a positive outlook and saw the potential in the situation, while the first salesman had a negative outlook and saw only the obstacles.

This story is often used to illustrate the power of a growth mindset and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in order to succeed in any situation.

06/04/2024 12:30:47

Make your day special Sweetie!

06/04/2024 11:47:02

Enjoy your day!

06/04/2024 09:38:00

Busy with family yesterday as grandson turned 19! It 

makes me feel so old but he is a great person! He is the one 

that helped me quit smoking! I finally got my new laptop to 

take photoshop so that made my day! It is so hot here not 

complaning because 2 day's ago started hurricane season so 

got my extra things like water can food and lots of other

things! Even stashed some money because when Mathew came 

through no power no plastic cards! Well i have run my mouth 

to much but hope you have a day that keeps trouble away! 

Smiles and Hugs Alway's and pass them on!

A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures 

boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend 


~ William Penn ~

06/04/2024 08:21:38

a great Tuesday morning to you and for the rest of your day  











06/04/2024 06:17:02

Hello sweet friend: I wish you a nice Tuesday! Hugs

06/03/2024 16:37:53

Evening., beautiful day 70's

just went to a couple of banks., and coffee will go the store tomorrow

waiting for my son its Monday he'll come for dinner  making a meatloaf ., gravy potato's veggie.

hope your having a wonderful day

see you in the morning

06/03/2024 13:20:45

Have a nice day SugahBear

06/03/2024 12:29:42

Have a lovely Monday!

06/03/2024 12:15:30

I am permanently
unavailable to people
who thought I was an option...

06/03/2024 08:56:25

hello my friend..i wish you a awesome new week xoxo 











06/03/2024 07:06:48

Welcome June with Beautiful GIFs

Have A Happy New Day

A Happy New Week

And A

Happy New June

06/03/2024 05:25:14

06/03/2024 02:53:33

Hello sweet friend: Have a nice week...happy Monday! Kisses

06/02/2024 22:44:59

Good night and...
happy new week ahead!

06/02/2024 17:57:15

Evening hope your having a great sunday...

Was a nice day here 70's i sat outside and read my book for awhile.  see you in the morning

06/02/2024 13:05:40

Happy Sunday CutiePatootie

06/02/2024 12:22:53

Wishing you Sunday Love and Peace!

06/02/2024 12:16:25

I have been away for some time due to computer problems. 

I just got one and yesterday found out it will no let me use 

photoshop so i am still on the hunt but will have to save more 

money. I hope your having a great start to summer however the 

states that are getting all this crazy weather I am praying for 

you! Hope your day gives you much Pleasure and pleanty of Smiles

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

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