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01/05/2025 18:37:26

Story pin image

01/05/2025 18:14:04

Yes, time to crawl under the covers... sweet dreams :-) zzzzzzzzzzzz

01/05/2025 18:12:07

01/05/2025 17:11:47

pixiesmagic wrote:

x have peaceful xx  evening night,, x end of the weekend,,xkeep warm ,,very windy  rain here..not able to do  ...too, much..hot chocolate..c[_]..  sleep well ,hugs caroline xxo

Thank You Caro My Blessing To You Always  With Love ݜװݜ

01/05/2025 16:01:23


Have a Blessed Sunday!

01/05/2025 15:50:34

Have sweet dreams...*hugs* & *Love*

Winter night
Blessed Be..

01/05/2025 14:54:45

Hi, Pix.  When you mention football on the radio, do you mean soccer or American football.  Yes, there are plenty of weekend games, college and professional.  Your PJs sound cosy!  ;)  and cute...   I cooked braised beef short ribs today... yummy.  Got to do some homework now for school tomorrow!  Do you know of Warren Zevon (several years dead now.... sadly) ... I saw him once at a small club in Boston ... great showman.  I have heard of red snapper, but never had any!  I had not hearad of the St. Louis shooting, so i looked it up... sad that there is so much senseless gun violence.  Rest well!   xoxox

Plaid Flannel Deer Fabric | Spoonflower

01/05/2025 14:42:03
Warm hugs. Snow and ice here. I can’t wait !!!!!

01/05/2025 14:33:45

Happy Sunday!  "When Johnny Strikes Up the Band!"   Play it LOUD!  See if you're not dancing.... Warren Zevon....

(12) Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy (Full Album) [Official Audio] - YouTube 

Got to dance... but... I'm just an excitable boy!

Tune Of The Day: Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London WARREN ZEVON, WEREWOLVES OF LONDON | Warren zevon, Songs, Werewolf Werewolves Of London: Behind Warren Zevon’s Howlingly Funny Song 10 Best Warren Zevon Songs of All Time - Singersroom.com 

01/05/2025 13:55:16

01/05/2025 13:39:44

RIP D.B. .. 8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016

01/05/2025 13:33:36

Hope your having a relaxing day..:)

This may contain: a woman taking a selfie in front of a mirror while holding her cell phone

This may contain: someone is watching tv with their feet up on the couch and popcorn in front of them

carousel image 0

Cheers.. my friend xo

01/05/2025 13:08:20


01/05/2025 12:53:40

Lovely Sunday 4 U, Sweet Caroline :))  XoXo

01/05/2025 12:35:26

Stay Warm

01/05/2025 12:22:08

Hi!Wishing you a bright and beautiful Sunday. Feel the magic of being alive &
count your rainbows.

01/05/2025 12:21:13

Szia kedves Barátom!

Szeretettel köszöntelek.Sajnos beteg voltam, ezért voltam távol, de már javulok. Remélem veled minden rendben és sok pihenéssel töltötted az új év első hétvégéjének napjait? Legyen szép a vasárnap estéd is...

Kellemes jövő hetet kívánok számodra, sok vidámsággal. Felénk most hideg napok vannak. Enyhülést, szeles időt ígérnek...Ölelésem, Éva




"Megtanultam, hogy a kincset a szívében hordozza az ember."

Móra Ferenc





01/05/2025 12:19:56

01/05/2025 11:46:16

l didn't go out at all today Caroline.  Staying in and kept warm.  Raining now.  No sign of snow.  Hope your day is going good.  Soup is great on a cold winters day.

01/05/2025 11:35:44

Geen fotobeschrijving beschikbaar.

01/05/2025 10:44:17

01/05/2025 10:44:16

ᥫ᭡Lovely Morning My Sweet Friendᥫ᭡.


☸Be Blessed☸

01/05/2025 10:44:11

01/05/2025 10:13:05

Wishing You a Lovely Sunday Caro

01/05/2025 10:04:54

What a nice Sunday morning here the sun is 

shinning it is 30 right now but on its way to the 

high 50's. Hope you have been enjoying your weekend! 

Mine has been a lazy one that include naps! Take Care 

keep Smiling Caroline! Sending Smiles and Hugs Always!

I have friends in overalls whose friendship I 

would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world.

~ Thomas A. Edison ~

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