Even when wounded, a lioness and a warrior woman fight on." It is a blessing to be born a woman.The lioness does not wait for a hero; she becomes one."
I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now? HUgzzz xo
Watch the Miracle of transformation as brown, dead winter becomes vibrant , living springtime, and know that your soul will thus bloom again.
The Gift is life itself~~everything that is born into this world and grows and strives to achieve its purpose for being here on this level of existence . Two Ways Wakan Tanka can be interpreted are "the large mystery" or "the great sacred". Either is enough to describe the essence of the sacredness of life, of all life. All of us , no matter who or what we are , are given the opportunity to participate to the fullest on the journey we are born into , to honor the gift and sacredness of life by finding and
fulfilling our purpose , and to do good and leave our world a better place in some some way.
Being at the present moment can increase your peace of mind. One example of a simple but extremely powerful relaxing technique is breathing exercises.
By focusing on your breathing when things are getting quite chaotic can aid you to be more attuned to the present.
If you are looking for more relaxing techniques that might work for you, you can also try activities such as going for a long walk, doing yoga, listening to music, writing and practicing meditation.
Finding Inner Peace Midst the New World
To find inner and true peace can be a challenge for more than one reason. Our society is more connected than ever before, but this connection doesn’t always provide the comfort that we crave.
We are constantly bombarded with news updates, social media posts, and instant messaging alerts which perpetuate our feelings of never being “good enough”. At the same time, it can be hard to step away from all of this noise because of how much work needs to get done.
Don't listen when your heart , worn and tired, tells you to give up. Don't give up! Your heart needs a rest and nourishment. In God , there is rest for all who are exhausted; in his promises there is enough food for the weary soul.