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04/13/2024 09:06:33



Photo of the Week

Photo of the week

by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ

Enjoy the temporary exquisite nature of life!
(My camera caught the eclipse in the reflection somehow!)

Message from the Angels

Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

A few weeks ago, we talked about your eternal nature. You live forever, dear ones. So do all beings. Humanity, the animals, the spirit of the plants, trees, and Earth herself are part of the beautiful energy field that cannot and never will cease to exist. One with your creator, you immerse yourself in this 3D world for a while, then expand back into love—your true nature—when you make your exit.

When you transition to spirit once again, you have a body that is a projection of your consciousness, but it is not the dense body you live in while in your physical world. It is a body made of light. Although you can hug and eat and do whatever you like in the heavens, there's an awareness of yourself as energy and an awareness of the One love that lives within all.

On Earth, you immerse yourself in amazing biological bodies. They are magnificent miracles. Every cell is a conscious being, very much like a little animal, always wanting to love, always wanting to surrender to the steady stream of guidance, information, and healing from the Source. That is why we implore you to love your bodies, love your cells, and reaffirm to them that you believe in their ability to recalibrate to their original design. When you live in fear, you pinch off the stream of light. When you live in anger you do the same. When you find something to love, appreciate, or just enjoy a moment of relaxed contentment, you open once again to that flow and allow your little cells to once again receive their instructions straight from the Source.

That said, when it is time to expand back into the heavens, your cells, having done their job, retire their 3D forms as as well and merge once again with the greater consciousness that you are.

There is nothing in the world of form that will last forever, dear ones, while everything in the world of spirit will endure for eternity.

This is not meant to frighten you but rather to inspire you to enjoy this beautiful and temporal reality in which you are journeying for the time being. Enjoy the exquisite feeling of being able to touch your own hands in the physical world, to give yourself or another a hug. Enjoy the miracle of your own skin. Enjoy the cool feeling of a splash of water on your face or a sip of tea. Enjoy your senses. They are unique on your planet Earth, and certainly an experience not to be missed.

We also encourage you to take time regularly to go beyond the sensory world and tap into your eternal being. Connecting with the Source can help you truly enjoy your physical reality, as you feel and know the love behind it more often. After your meditations or prayers, enjoy your 3D reality! Bring your spirit into it fully by living in the present moment with as much love and appreciation as you can. Don't do this to "holy." Don't do it to achieve anything. Do it because human life is an exquisite experience, not to be rushed through, but rather to be savored.

You will absolutely have senses in the heavens beyond your wildest dreams, but there's something exquisite about being immersed in your physical, sensory reality that is not to be taken for granted. We even find it difficult to put into words. In the heavens, there is love beyond your wildest dreams. There is music in in the air, and colors beyond your physical specturm. Everything, colored with love, is more beautiful than words can express. And yet, there is something so precious about your 3D, physical, sensory reality that you will treasure once you come to the other side because it is an experience that is unique, precious, and beautiful and oh so tangible in ways that are hard to describe until you expand back into light.

Right now, upon your Earth, you can put on a pair of goggles and visit any location on Earth in a way that seems very real. You can see, hear, and almost touch the spaces that you witness from your own home. Your computer could make these locations seem perfect and fill them with every conceivable beauty. Yet how much more interesting and enjoyable it is to take off the goggles and use your own eyes and senses to experience the imperfect "real" 3D reality that you must drive or fly or walk to see, that you anticipate, and that you embrace with a sense of adventure. How beautiful it is to experience the world through your physical senses. This analogy has its limits, but we are simply encouraging you to enjoy your physical world while you are in it, knowing, of course, that there is so much more behind it that you cannot see.

Your dear ones who have transitioned are with you, often walking right beside you. Your animals in spirit are running around joyfully, visiting both relatives in heaven and those they love on Earth. If you break a glass, the spirit of love that held it together simply releases into the ethers once again, ready to take form as you direct it.

So when you find yourself fearing loss of anything or anyone, breathe. When you fear losing money, or a job, or finances, breathe. Remind yourself that all 3D things are temporary, but the spirit of love that lives within them lives forever. If you lose a loved one, they live on. If you lose a job, the good parts of that job live on as well as even better and you will find the "spirit" of the better job in a new one. If you lose a little money, the bank account might temporarily be a little lower, but the spirit of abundance lives within you, just waiting to be focused back into form so you can enjoy it with even more appreciation.

Dear ones, treasure your earthly lives. They are a precious experience, even if they are often a challenge. There's not a moment of your life that will seem wasted when you see it from the heavens someday. In the meanwhile, enjoy the grass under your feet, the warmth of sunshine on your face, the smell of your dinner, and the touch of a dear one, because your time on Earth, however long it may be, is an experience to be treasured. Don't rush to the finish line. Enjoy what you have right here and now, and in that bliss of the moment, you and your cells remain open to the well-being, joy, abundance, and Love that is part of your eternal flow.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

This week the angels remind us to enjoy this 3D world while we're in it to elevate our experience and feel the love that we seek. I'll share my experience of the eclipse, and the angel bird who showed up in the middle of it. Tips are included, as always, to help you enjoy life's many simple magic moments.

Do not waste time thinking

about what you could have

done differently. Keep your

n the road ahead.


Moving faster doesn't always make

things happen faster. Rushing can

lead to mistakes, and then things

and then things take even longer.

SLOW DOWN . Take your time.

The fastest possible route is one

 you take with patience and presence.

Lesson learned for me.

Love and Blessings.

04/13/2024 00:06:00

Guten morgen und eine schönen Wochenende Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und euine Umarmung an Dich


04/12/2024 17:44:22


04/12/2024 13:07:06

Don't promise when you're happy, 

Don't reply when you're angry, 

and Don't decide when you're sad

~ Unknown ~

04/12/2024 10:11:57

Christine! Man hatte uns Sonne versprochen, doch bis jetzt ist sie noch nicht
durch die Wolken gekommen, und wird es auch nicht mehr tun.

Dann hoffen wir,
dass sie sich für den Samstag nicht geirrt haben: soll voll Sonne geben bei 24
Grad. Würde mich sehr freuen. Wünsche dir einen angenehmen Samstag und sonniges
Wochenende. Lass es dir gutgehen und sei herzlich gegrüßt von Deiner Liliane



04/12/2024 00:06:54

Good morning und eine schönen Freitag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und eine Umarmung an Dich


04/11/2024 18:00:25


04/11/2024 15:21:32

Christine! Es sollte eigentlich ein trüber Tag werden und dann kam am
Nachmittag dennoch die Sonne raus und es wurde 18 Grad. Super!

Es stimmt wir
sollten langsam machen, es läuft uns nichts davon, aber dennoch wird es Zeit
ein bisschen Putz zu machen. Wenn es nachher schnell große Hitze wird, was man
nicht weiß, dann geht bei mir nichts mehr. Ich habe heute meine Küchenschränke
ausgewischt und mich auch wieder von einigen Stücken getrennt, die man doch
nicht mehr verwendet. Nach und nach kommt dann ein Zimmer nach dem andern dran,
wo etwas mehr als normal gemacht wird und auch die Vorhänge werden gewaschen.
Ich hoffe dein Freitag wird angenehm und auch dass du gut ins Wochenende
startest. Lass dich ganz lieb grüßen von Deiner Liliane 




04/11/2024 14:29:19

We cannot choose our beginnings... 

We cannot choose our end... 

but the moments in between... 

We choose who we are 

~ Unknown ~

04/11/2024 00:16:32

Guten morgen und eine schönen Donnerstag Liebe Christine , Mit herzlichen grüßen und ein umarmung an Dich


04/10/2024 17:58:28

04/10/2024 15:17:39

Story Pin-Bild

Christine! Wir hatten zum Wochenteiler das gleiche Wetter als am Tag davor. 15
Grad, Sonne und Wolken. Auch der Donnerstag soll nicht viel Änderungen
mitbringen. Das ist mir lieber, als dieser schnelle Wechsel. So fühle ich mich
wohl. Die Nächte sollen aber richtig kalt werden, stellenweise bis unter Null
fallen. Hoffentlich schadet das nicht den vielen Blüten, die schon voll
vorhanden sind. Dir wünsche ich einen angenehmen Donnerstag mit frohen
Gedanken. Lass dich grüßen und knuddeln von Deiner Liliane




04/10/2024 12:23:41

"Character is like a tree 

and reputation like its shadow. 

The shadow is what we think of it; 

the tree is the real thing."

~ Abraham Lincoln ~ 

04/10/2024 06:59:46

Bonjour my Precious Friend,

Passing by to Spread Sweet Wishes & Shiny Love

to Make your Wednesday a little Happier !

Hugs from France...

“Isabelle Adjani, 1974. (Photo by Michel GINFRAY/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)”

“Gena Rowlands and John Cassavetes, c.1959”

“Françoise Hardy and Jane Birkin, 1974 (Photo by Gilbert UZAN/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)”

“Sigourney Weaver at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival”

Aucune description disponible.


Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

john cassavetes shadows GIF by Maudit

04/10/2024 00:18:45

Guten morgen und eine Schönen Mittwoch Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und eine Umarmung an Dich


04/09/2024 17:52:54


04/09/2024 15:17:16

Christine! Bei uns war es nicht so schlimm mit dem Sandstaub. Der Dienstag fing
mit leichtem Regen an, dann wurde es trocken und etwas windig. Und es ist kalt
geworden. Nur noch 11 Grad. Hatte meine Winterjacke nochmal gebraucht. Auch im
Haus muss ich noch eine Jacke zum Shirt tragen. Erst zum WE soll es wieder
wärmer werden. Mir geht es allerdings besser mit diesen Temperaturen, als mit
30. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Wochenteiler und grüße dich ganz herzlich.
Deine Liliane



04/09/2024 12:28:23

After rain theres a rainbow, after a storm theres calm, 

after the night theres a morning, 

and after a ending theres a new beginning.

~ Unknown ~

04/09/2024 08:16:40


 “May today usher a new beginning into your life. Things will start falling in the right place for you. The day is loaded with blessings for you, what are you waiting for, go get them. Have a blessed morning.”

Being and BreathingBeing and BreathingPin

After spending nearly every waking minute with Angel for eight straight days, I knew that I had to tell her just one thing.  So late at night, just before she fell asleep, I whispered it in her ear.  She smiled – the kind of smile that makes me smile back –and she said, “When I’m seventy-five and I think about my life and what it was like to be young, I hope that I can remember this very moment.”

A few seconds later, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.  The room was peaceful – almost silent.  All I could hear was the soft purr of her breathing.  I stayed awake thinking about the time we’d spent together and all the choices in our lives that made this moment possible.  And at some point, I realized that it didn’t matter what we’d done or where we’d gone.  Nor did the future hold any significance.

All that mattered was the serenity of the moment.

Just being with her and breathing with her.Ezoic

The Moral of the Story:  Our days are made up of fleeting moments. In a split second, these moments are gone. Do not let external pressures or stress keep you from appreciating the little moments that make life beautiful. Every day is a miracle, from the moment you open your eyes in the morning and close your eyes at night.











Value the Things You Have In Your Life

04/09/2024 00:13:15

Guten morgen und eine schönen Dienstag Liebe Christine , Mit herzlichen grüßen und eine Umarmung an Dich


04/08/2024 17:53:10


04/08/2024 15:20:25

Story Pin-Bild

Christine! Oje, 34 Grad, da hätte ich nicht mit dir tauschen wollen. Unser
Wochenbeginn war angenehm mit 22 Grad. Es gab viele Wolken, aber auch zeitweise
Sonnenschein. In der Nacht könnte es regnen und damit wird auch der
Sahara-Staub niedergehen. Das wird nicht lustig sein, die Autos sind schon
gelblich gepudert und dann noch Regen…Trotzdem müssen wir durch. Wünsche dir
einen nicht mehr ganz so heißen Dienstag und pass gut auf dich auf. Viele liebe
Grüße von Deiner Liliane




04/08/2024 12:14:08

"Finding a wonderful friend is like finding gold in a box, 

on the outside it may just seem like an ordinary box, 

but when you take the time to see what's really inside, 

you know you've found

~ Jessica Vega ~

04/08/2024 00:22:13

Guten morgen und eine schönen anfang der Woche Liebe Christine , Mit herzlichen grüßen und eine Umarmung an Dich


04/07/2024 17:38:05


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