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08/24/2024 14:34:04



08/24/2024 14:26:12

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Weekend!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

08/24/2024 13:53:35

Its the weekend

08/24/2024 13:51:33


08/24/2024 13:26:08

Friend,start your ideal weekend,


and be very happy,take it easy,so that you can

ENJOY each and every one of your BEAUTIFUL MINUTES.

You are the most important person in your life,

may your steps bless you and illuminate your path,

live each day full of smiles,with all my love,

big hugs,Maria,kisses..............

08/24/2024 12:53:32


08/24/2024 12:34:15

Enjoy a Very Nice Weekend my Dear Friend !

I wanted to pay tribute to one of the greatest
French actors whose funeral is today.
Rest in Peace Alain Delon

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

alain delon GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

08/24/2024 11:49:43

Evenings are the wink of our lives

08/24/2024 11:06:43






Going back to summer with the temperatures tomorrow.  Enjoying being near the Mississippi river this afternoon and then the music of a keyboard player who used to play with Bob Seger R.I.P. Have a great Saturday my friend. Jazzsinger

08/24/2024 10:57:09

The Sacred Pipe

Soon the young men who were watching for the coming of the wakan person announced that they saw something in the distance approaching them in a beautiful manner.

Detail from Apparition of the Buffalo Calf Maiden&quo; by Frithjof Schuon, 1959

Detail from “Apparition of the Buffalo Calf Maiden”
by Frithjof Schuon, 1959

Suddenly, she entered the lodge, walked around sun-wise, and stood in front of Standing Hollow Horn. She took from her back the bundle, and holding it with both hands in front of the chief, said: “Behold this and always love it! It is lela wakan (very sacred), and you must treat it as such. No impure man should ever be allowed to see it, for within this bundle there is a sacred pipe. With this, you will, during the winters to come, send your voices to Wakáŋ-Táŋka, your Father and Grandfather.

After the mysterious woman said this, she took from the bundle a pipe and also a small round stone which she placed upon the ground. Holding the pipe up with its stem to the heavens, she said: “With this sacred pipe, you will walk upon the Earth, for the Earth is your Grandmother and Mother, and She is sacred. Every step that is taken upon Her should be as a prayer. The bowl of this pipe is of red stone; it is the Earth. Carved in the stone and facing the center is this buffalo calf who represents all the four-leggeds who live upon your Mother. The stem of the pipe is of wood and this represents all that grows upon the Earth. And these twelve feathers which hang here, where the stem fits into the bowl, are from Wanbli Galeska, the Spotted Eagle, and they represent the eagle and all the wingeds of the air. All these peoples, and all the things of the universe, are joined to you who smoke the pipe—all send their voices to Wakáŋ-Táŋka, the Great Spirit. When you pray with this pipe, you pray for and with everything.

The wakan woman then touched the foot of the pipe to the round stone which lay upon the ground, and said: “With this pipe, you will be bound to all your relatives; your Grandfather and Father, your Grandmother and Mother. This round rock, which is made of the same red stone as the bowl of the pipe, your Father Wakáŋ-Táŋka has also given to you. It is the Earth, your Grandmother and Mother, and it is where you will live and increase. This Earth which He has given to you is red, and the two-leggeds who live upon the Earth are red; and the Great Spirit has also given to you a red day, and a red road.

All of this is sacred, and so do not forget! Every dawn, as it comes, is a holy event; and every day is holy, for the light comes from your Father Wakáŋ-Táŋka; and also you must always remember that the two-leggeds and all the other peoples who stand upon this earth are sacred and should be treated as such.

From this time on, the holy pipe will stand upon this red Earth, and the two-leggeds will take the pipe and will send their voices to Wakáŋ-Táŋka.

The Seven Sacred Rites

The wakan woman continued: “These seven circles which you see on the stone have much meaning, for they represent the seven rites in which the pipe will be used. The first large circle represents the first rite which I shall give to you, and the other six circles represent the rites which will, in time, be revealed to you directly.

Standing Hollow Horn, be good to these gifts and to your people, for they are wakan! With this pipe, the two-leggeds will increase, and there will come to them all that is good. From above Wakáŋ-Táŋka has given to you this sacred pipe, so that through it you may have knowledge. For this great gift you should always be grateful! But now before I leave I wish to give to you instructions for the first rite in which your people will use this pipe.

The Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota

  1. Wanáǧi Yuhápi—The Keeping of The Soul

  2. Haŋbléčeyapi—The Vision Quest

  3. Wiwáŋyaŋg Wačípi—The Sun Dance

  4. Huŋkápi—The Making of Relatives

  5. Inípi—The Sweat Lodge

  6. Išnáti Awíčalowaŋpi—Preparing a Girl for Womanhood

  7. Tápa Waŋkáyeyapi—Throwing the Ball

From “Lakota Religious Traditions,” Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, pp. 5295-5298. DOWNLOAD

It should be for you a sacred day when one of your people dies. You must then keep his soul as I shall teach you, and through this you will gain much power; for if this soul is kept, it will increase in you your concern and love for your neighbor. So long as the person, in his soul, is kept with your people, through him you will be able to send your voice to Wakáŋ-Táŋka.

It should also be a sacred day when a soul is released and returns to its home, Wakáŋ-Táŋka, for on this day four women will be made holy, and they will in time bear children who will walk the path of life in a sacred manner, setting an example for your people. Behold me, for it is I that they will take in their mouths, and it is through this that they will become wakan.

He who keeps the soul of a person must be a good and pure man, and he should use the pipe so that all the people, with the soul, will together send their voices to Wakáŋ-Táŋka. The fruit of your Mother the Earth and the fruit of all that She bears will be blessed in this manner, and your people will then walk the path of life in a sacred way.

Do not forget that Wakáŋ-Táŋka has given you seven days in which to send your voices to Him. So long as you remember this, you will live; the rest you will know from Wakáŋ-Táŋka directly.

Keeping of the Soul – Wanáǧi Yuhápi
Crying for a Vision – Haŋbléčeyapi
The Sun Dance – Wiwáŋyaŋg Wačípi
The Making of Relatives – Huŋkápi
The Rite of Purification – Inípi
A Girl's Coming of Age – Išnáti Awíčalowaŋpi
The Throwing of the Ball – Tápa Waŋkáyeyapi

Artwork by
Vera Louise Drysdale

Many of us were molded or taught to give

until we break ~and the refuel so we can 

so we can keep on giving . But this,

 we know now , is the road map to burn 

out  and resentment . Instead Let's give

to ourselves~ let's fuel our bodies and

souls~ so that we can give to others from

a place of overflow, not depletion .

Lets build bridges and not walls and lets do it with Love~ Yes creator may have given us Mountains but nothing we can't handle! SPREAD YOUR WINGS AND SOAR!!!!!!!ABSOLUTELY! Creator knows your every need. Love will always be the answer.
Hearts are heavy with the news in our world. Please join me as we send angels to assist the people of the World. We are calling on Archangel Michael and his angels to protect our planet and work for Love everywhere. These are tough days but remember that angels are with us and Divine Love is stronger than darkness On a crisp autumn day with leaves falling You decide to take a walk. A calm breeze rustles the trees and you feel the sunshine on your face. There is a bench and you take a seat. Although you are by yourself you can feel a presence. It feels like the trees are listening to your every thought and you feel a love all around you. Thoughts of those who have left the earth pop in your head for no reason. Or so you think. The colors of the sunlight streaming through the trees seems to sparkle as if a divine magic was occurring and you the witness. A beautiful calm washes over you filling up your heart. All cares fall away and you are as present in this moment as you have ever been. You rise from the bench and start to continue walking and you realize that you are never alone. Ever. Angels and Ancestors are always walking with you as the trees watch over guiding you with their wisdom. When feeling low ,confused or frustrated with life a walk can be much needed medicine. It is nourishment for your soul. Grateful to those that walk with us. Much love and hugs

Happy Trails To You Friend Blessings

08/24/2024 10:28:01

have a great Saturday my friend..hugs   






08/24/2024 10:05:40

Good Morning Kitten - Free animated GIF - PicMix

Happy Caturday

08/24/2024 09:50:04

•)»Enjoy your weekend my sweet friend.
Blessings in all that you do, hugs and smiles for you«(♥‿♥

08/24/2024 09:41:43

happy caturday.love and hugs

08/24/2024 09:32:40

Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. 

Everything is beautiful. smiling for gratitude, my dear friend. 

Love always. Silvana

08/24/2024 09:21:03

cat lady Memes &amp; GIFs - Imgflip

Stopping by to wish you a Happy Caturday.


08/24/2024 08:55:10

Enjoy your Saturday my friend.

08/24/2024 08:50:52

Good Morning Beautiful Soul..

Today, the angels talk about avoiding "false positivity" and loving yourself through the denser vibes. I'll share some stories of how powerful that can be, and as always, tips to help you love and accept yourself when you're not feeling as high-vibe as you'd like.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)

Photo of the Week

Photo of the week

by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ

Sometimes you feel down & thorny. Time to love yourself...

Message from the Angels

Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Over the past many years, we've been working with you to help you learn about the power of your vibration in terms of what you will attract in life and what you will allow to flow to you with ease.

There is a misconception, however, that we wish to clear up. We are not simply teaching "positive thinking" but "high vibrational tuning." These two can coincide, but sometimes, what you call "positive thinking" is really a mask for feeling terrible. While others in your life might believe that your smile and sunny disposition indicate a positive vibration, those who are sensitive among you (and most of you on this list are), understand that your vibration will always tell the truth.

So, we are not encouraging what you might call "fake positivity." When you're sad, grieving, or angry, it is often nearly impossible to suddenly switch to a vibration of bliss unless you've truly mastered your thoughts.  Even the spiritual masters on your planet—all of them—fall into the depths from time to time. There is no need to be hard upon yourself when you know you are in a lower vibration.

Instead, choose to love yourself. 

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are sad. 

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are angry.

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you feel jealous, insecure, or afraid.

While these vibrations will not allow the ideal things you desire to flow into your life, love will. Choosing in a moment of lower vibration to give yourself a hug and say to yourself something sweet, "It's ok to be human. It's ok to be sad. It's ok to be upset. It's ok to be afraid. It's ok to be jealous... and so forth" will always move your vibration up a little higher. Love is the way out of a lower vibration, dear ones. Start by loving yourselves.

Of course you don't want to abide in these difficult vibrations. You don't want to feed the fire of anger with thoughts when you can focus elsewhere. You don't want to drive yourself deeper into sadness by focusing on all that is not there or not working in your life. You don't want to feed the fires of jealousy by focusing on who or what you are jealous of.  But you do want to love yourself through these moments, days, weeks, or years because when you can truly offer yourself love and compassion, you are already starting to rise above these painful vibrations.

Think of a little child. If that child were fearful, angry, or sad, would you reprimand them for their feelings, or—beautiful, loving beings that you are—wouldn't you rather hug them, hold them, soothe them, and love them, until the tougher emotions pass through? Like a storm that must rage until its energy is released, there are times when you cannot easily find a higher vibration, so you must let yourself storm, rain, or stew while simply choosing to love yourself through it.

You have been taught to judge yourselves. You have even taken our words at times to mean you must be positive all the time. There are no "shoulds" in the heavens. There is no judgment. There is only unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, and an unwavering focus on who you truly are. 

Even in your depths, we see and hold steady in our focus of your light. 

Even in your hatred, we see what you love beneath it.

Even in your jealousy we see your sincere desire to create more.

In your deepest grief, we see the pearls and diamonds of your love reaching for connection.  

You are made of this Love, dear ones. You are One with it. You feel good when in a flow of love and bad when you are not. You are not right or wrong, good or bad. You are simply aligned with love or not, and your life experience shifts based on the degree of alignment.

So when you feel unloving or unloved, turn inward and choose to love yourself, for any love is the One love, and all Love will always return you to your truest, deepest self.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

You did it. That thing you thought

you couldn't do. At some point

you pushed beyond a limit you

you created for yourself and proved


No you can not do everything, but

you'll never know which limits

you can exceed until you try .

So stop telling yourself you

  can't and find out .

I am truly sorry I am not here more often 

but  honesty this has ben a very challenging

 year from the beginning . Honestly it has been

very tough . Recently I have loss a my 

 12 year old cat having her with me twenty four  

seven has made it  really hard on me  As a

animal lover I have had many animals from

horses, cats, dogs.  who have surprising

live to a old age . its never easy losing a 

person or animals  somehow you make 

through . Stay Stay strong friend!  Love 

you lots ! "BABY"

08/24/2024 08:40:02

08/24/2024 08:27:32

*     *     *     *     *

...sleep a little longer, start to your day off a little slower and enjoy this day a little more...

*     *     *     *     *

...Happy Caturday hugs and smiles coming your way, my sweet friend!

*     *     *     *     *

08/24/2024 08:18:04







08/24/2024 07:37:13


08/24/2024 07:25:34




˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Hello  Michael˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

May Saturday bring you moments of relaxation and pleasure……
And allow you to recharge your batteries for the week to come……
Thank you for your loyalty while I was on vacation……
Have a good Saturday!
Kisses from my heart……

08/24/2024 07:03:24


08/24/2024 05:39:38


Saturday, what shall we do?  Our cool front dropped our temperatures from the 107° range to 99° & 100° .  Is it fall yet???  


We can't trade in our sunglasses for an umbrella yet.  The clouds we do have are not dropping any rain.  


The squirrels might have started gathering nuts but it is only to keep them from popping open in this heat.  


Dad, Dad, I saw another squirrel run through the yard.  Get up!  Let's go chase him.  


You know, it might be time just to curl up and listen to some music.  Do whatever makes you happy today!  Blessings & Hugs coming your way!  


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