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All gifts for kenm
Gift: Big Hugs!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Merry Christmas!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Gera
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Sweet Friend!Stay healthy and wealthy.Gera-Mabel
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Puppy's
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: LadyWind
Gift: Hugs & Kisses
Type: Public
Message: Hugs 💋 😘
Gift: Happy Valentines Day
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: love a hug!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Halloween
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Good Night
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: I thank God who with his matchless love to another beautiful year let you go. Happy, happy birthday God in his goodness give you longer life, health, happiness. Kisses. Mary
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Valentines Day
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Thank You
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: Another month. Another year. Another smile another tear. Another winter and another summer too But there can never be another you. Happy New Year.
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Merry Christmas!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Hello
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Trick or Treat!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Friends Forever
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Thank You
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday
Type: Public
Message: May you have all the love your heart can hold, all the happiness a day can bring, and all the blessings a life can unfold. Kisses. Mary
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Happy Valentines Day
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Ho Ho Ho
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Ms_Pennsylvania
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Just for You Ken Sweet Heart......Sending lots of Love, Hugs & Kisses, Judy xoxo
From: Ms_Pennsylvania
Gift: Happy Thanksgiving!
Type: Public
Message: Wishing You a BLESSED, THANKFUL & Happy Thanksgiving my Sweet Friend. I am so BLESSED & Thankful You are my Friend! GOD BLESS. Love, Hugs & always Smiles:))), Judy xo
From: Ms_Pennsylvania
Gift: Happy Fall
Type: Public
Message: Wishing You my Sweet Friend, a Great, Happy & Fun Autumn. Enjoy all the Colors it has to offer! Sending lots of Autumn Hugs & Smiles:))) to You from Me, Judy
Gift: Welcome
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Ms_Pennsylvania
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank You my New Friend Ken for Your Friendship. I'm looking forward to getting to know You. Sending lots of Hugs & Smiles:))) to you from Me, Judy
From: winter_dreams
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Hello my new friend Welcome to my page Have a good day. Kisses, Mary

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