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05/21/2024 10:21:32

Did they give a reason for doing this? I am glad I do not bank in a bank, but a Credit Union. I bet Bank of America will lose customers with this move. Bro. Doc

quote="june711"]It's bank of America doing away with. The safety deposit boxes


You must have a messed up cell phone company. Saying they done and then they do. Verizon is the best. Never heard of a any Banking place doing away with safety deposit boxes . Must not be a big place to bank. Glad I am in the Credit Union since 1997. It is 67 now at 5:17 p.m. Take care June. Bro. Doc

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,



05/21/2024 09:50:58

happy tattoo tuesday.love and hugs

05/21/2024 08:40:03

       Have a nice  day, LV B. XXOO 


05/21/2024 08:24:20

05/21/2024 08:09:20

Time to drop by & wish you a terrific Tuesday! ߌ

05/21/2024 08:09:07

05/21/2024 08:08:21

Hello Sweetness!

I've learned that people will forget whatyou said, people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you madethem feel.         ---- Maya Angelou ----

Morning Sweet Friend .....How has your day been so far? I hope it's
living up to your expectations.I wish for you many happy moments, with
beautiful smiles! :) Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi
querido amigos, le dejo esta nota com mucho carino y respeto, su queida
amiga janet.

05/21/2024 08:06:46

05/21/2024 06:28:35

I wish you a nice tuesday

05/21/2024 05:47:39

I wish you a wonderful Tuesday..Love and hugs ! smiley-smile.gif

05/21/2024 05:19:52


Oh what a beautiful Tuesday it is today.  What shall we discover today?  


Spring is fading and the dandelions are too.  Get ready for the hot temperatures of summer.


I have hummingbirds, butterflies and dragonflies now.  Have you seen any dragonflies yet this season?    


Each and every dragonfly is a blessing and I have seen quite a few lately as the seasons are changing. 


I wonder what will show up next.  I am always on the lookout for each of God's creatures.  Now where is that Giraffe?  Oh, I know what else... I have seen lots of ladybugs too on the Mint plants and even in the grass.  


05/21/2024 01:51:00

05/21/2024 00:40:58


Beautiful day for you dear friend :)


05/21/2024 00:35:41

05/20/2024 23:39:33

Story pin image

Good night my friends, 

Sending kisses for you.

05/20/2024 23:19:59

Leaving early and have 3 Dr appts thru the day then a haircut afterwards, so you won’t have to put up with me all day. Try to stay out of trouble

05/20/2024 20:54:13


05/20/2024 20:27:44

               LV. Barb XXOO 


05/20/2024 20:24:24

05/20/2024 19:30:25



05/20/2024 19:30:13

OH dear ME June .....they you much better service than THAT! SCOUNDRELS!

june711 wrote:

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,

05/20/2024 19:16:42

You must have a messed up cell phone company. Saying they done and then they do. Verizon is the best. Never heard of a any Banking place doing away with safety deposit boxes . Must not be a big place to bank. Glad I am in the Credit Union since 1997. It is 67 now at 5:17 p.m. Take care June. Bro. Doc

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,


05/20/2024 19:09:01

They should all live in Idaho, which is a nice state to live in. If I didn't live in Oregon that would be one state I would want to live in. Not N.J. Bro. Doc

june711 wrote:
Idaho falls.
Just Kenneth sons

Desmond son Seamus is in new jersey


Good Evening June, It was 64 for the high today. I never read about you talking about a Son in ID or a grandson either. I know about your son in your area, and the one that is blind that is all I knew. I just got done 10 minutes ago making Salomon, oatmeal burgers. They have 2 cups of oats, tp of sage & minced onions 5 eggs to hold it together a can of salmon, tp of parleys, cook at 400 in a fying pan until med brown on both sides and put gravy over them and then have masked potatoes with gravy, and they will be good. about 20 minutes to make and 5 minutes to cook each side. So 30 minutes to be done. I cooked them in a Presto pan  that will cook 12 burgers. So that was fun. Now they are ready for tomorrow covered on a plate in the frig.. Take care and enjoy your family. By the way, where in ID are they? Bro. Doc

Even my friends., chilly rainy day again 50's

they this week going to be warm 70 and 80's  about time.

my son came by with my grandson he's visting from Idaho...

hope your having a good weekend.,  see you tomorrow

Even my friends., chilly rainy day again 50's

they this week going to be warm 70 and 80's  about time.

my son came by with my grandson he's visting from Idaho...

hope your having a good weekend.,  see you tomorrow


05/20/2024 18:09:07

  Never had Chili??  Well, here's a bowl for you

05/20/2024 18:04:00

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