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03/29/2025 07:06:37

This may contain: a vase filled with pink flowers sitting on top of a wooden table next to a card

Morning ...Happy Saturday .... Enjoy the day. Have some fun and find some time to smile.  Take care of yourself and keep safe.  Hug

03/29/2025 06:39:00

Good morning: Have a fantastic weekend! Lots of kisses

03/29/2025 06:36:48

03/29/2025 05:40:59

Good morning,Happy Saturday,have a great weekend..Hugs and kisses ! smiley-laughing.gif

03/29/2025 03:59:59

Have a pleasant weekend,sweet Friend!




03/29/2025 03:59:31

May the Lord, bless this Saturday morning.
That it would be filled with laughter and joy, peace and grace.
Let it overflow in all you do today.


Have a Wonderful weekend, My Dear Friend


Lots of Love!

03/29/2025 03:56:45

03/29/2025 03:03:06


Beautiful WEEKEND for you dear friend :)


03/29/2025 00:04:28

03/28/2025 23:09:57

Weekend Tags

03/28/2025 23:02:50

03/28/2025 21:55:20

Good Evening June, off and on all day we had rain, and to rain for a few days. I did wash some clothes this afternoon, not much, two pairs of pants , two shirts, underwear and socks. Also this afternoon I learned that my neighbor that got a new car Monday, had something happen to his new car and when they towed it to where he got it, they had to give him a another car as it was not fixable. So my buying my Jeep and part for 7,930 is lots cheaper than a new vehicle. Vans and Jeep's new are not cheap. A Dodge Grand Carvan is 25,000 and a Jeep Grand Cherokee is even more. So I think I got a good deal. Didn't cost me to fix the Routan VW because it was not fixed and I still got 500 dollars out of a broken down vehicle. Vehicles are not cheap used or new, and working on a budget I need to be wise with my money, since there is only me running this house anymore. Take Care. Bro. Doc

Evening  was a nice day.,  but the next 3 days  there saying  rain

just did errands   and coffee,.  some laundry.

hope you have a great weekend/.  see you tomorrow/


03/28/2025 21:42:24

June, I do not want a car, the Jeep will haul things I need, with the price of the Jeep and the part 550 I only spent 7,600 dollar. A new vehicle would have cost 22,000 whice is more than I want to spend. I already I have an 06 Grand Prix. So I do not need a car. It would have cost me 8,000 to fix the 09 van. Even knew vehicles have trouble, and with a new vehicle for two vehicles on insurance nearly 200. no thank you.  Again I have a car. And I needed something to be able to haul things in. Bro. Doc

Brodoc wrote:

    we having  rain the next 3 days  with snow  flurries   sorry about your car, all your putting in  you should of bought a small new one.

called. It has been rainning since last evening and suppose to be for a few day. Now I have 550 dollars to pay for an electrical part that works the outside mirror on the drivers side of the car. It will not stay in place. So you have to adjust it. This is the last part that goes under the seat into a control box. I guess a 24 year old Jeep you will probably have something to fix. My daughter in Springfield VT says there they are calling for snow today. Hope that will not be you. Have a great day. Bro. Doc

Evening, went to lunch with a girlfriend.,

rushed home fo the cleaning guy  he didn' show., 

doing laundry., my linen., hope your having a good night.,  see you in the morning.,



03/28/2025 21:41:07

03/28/2025 21:34:28

Enjoy The Night With Blessing Lot's Of Love

Forever Life

03/28/2025 20:20:16

     Sweet dreams, LV B. XXOO 


03/28/2025 19:19:21

03/28/2025 19:16:26

blue, moon, window and grunge

This may contain: a woman standing next to a railing smiling at the camera with lights in the background

Have a great night , Hugzz & Kissezz xo 

03/28/2025 19:00:27
Good Night june. we need the april showers for the flowers and farmers..

03/28/2025 18:52:33

Hello Sweetness!

Would you like toplay footsie's Darling?

Evening Sweet Friend.....I hope your week was a productive one and your
weekend is a stressfree one.Do what makes you happy! Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con mucho carino
y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti, Janet.

03/28/2025 15:47:33

03/28/2025 15:10:40

This is what I am trying to do.  My advice, "Give It A Try"!  

I took videos of some of our birds in the backyard as I sat in the sun letting the incision on my shoulder heal in the sunlight.  Then I took a screenshot from the video to share a few of our many birds, the more colorful ones.  

I had taken a few pictures of some of our plants that are blooming.  My girlfriend from Lubbock and I were texting "Spring Flower" wars.  I love taking & sharing pictures and I hope these make you smile.  Have a GREAT evening.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/28/2025 14:55:52

03/28/2025 14:43:51

Hello Sweetness!

03/28/2025 14:15:47

Hello Sweetness!

What on earth would a man dowith himself if something would not stand in his way?       --- H. G.Wells  ---

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